Lets (try to) fix everything 2!

yeah his damage is a joke atm, 86 Dps is support level of damage… especially with how easy they are to miss

The problem with that is that it creates more ult charge for healing that for damage, the game is balanced so that damage gives as many ult points as healing, so you’d need to nerf healing ult charge on hog too.

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Consider it a unintended buff?

it aint like he´s super good anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

winston would be so broken lol

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Wouldn’t those Orisa/Sigma changes just bring us right back to barrier-watch again? Probably better to keep their barriers the same and just up their damage/survivbility.

The Ashe change makes sense. I try to imagine how bad Ana would be If she had to reload each bullet in manually :rofl: . Like Ana having big bursts of healing with the large dips occuring during her reload a similar thing happens to Ashe with her damage.

For the Sym change I like you stuck to tp buffs and ignored damage/hp. One tp change which would have big impact is having it cleanse anti-nade and burns when you go through it.

As far as Moira goes, I’d just tighten her hitbox to match Zarya and give her either more damage, faster regen on her resource, or both. She will still counter Genji players because her beam will ignore deflect and she will feel more challenging and more rewarding to play.

The sombra change looks really strong. I think she’s fine now. Only think I want is her base movement speed increased to match Genji and Tracer. She is a flanker too after all :wink:

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Not really?

they would still have the same low-HP and thus be easer to break than before for the cast in general, they aer just more flexible, that was my goal

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For the tanks and healers I liked all of them except winston’s one, but the dps outside of the bastion and genji ones I didn’t like any cause it all gave them the moba feel, and it would make them flexible and whenever it happens other heroes become unplayable. I would even suggest that genji’s deflect would be great at 8 seconds.

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i can see kind of why youd think that? especially with the hitscan changes i guess

but i do feel like its very important that we try to give each hero a bit more of difference because the overlap in between the hitscans is huge

If they’ll all reworked with the moba style in mind it would be easier to nerf and buff them, but in the buffs and nerfs above only some of those heroes get these while others have nothing.

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im not sure im understanding what you mean?

After effects and percentage effects are mobas game design, overwatch abilities are too simple and could use some of that, but all the heroes would need a rework for it to work.

  1. you say rein isnt op yet you commence to nerf him because a passive does what its supposed to do? yeah no thanks
  2. the increase 20 damage for winston is good the other thing just feels like you are putting too much for a hero that is relatively ok btw
  3. DO NOT TOUCH ORISA’S FORTIFY thats what made her OP as hell with halt.
    keep fortify as is rn and give her either a 600 hp shield with 7s cooldown or 800 shield with 9s cooldown
  4. sigma needs his 1s for sheild removed and make grasp generate health as it gets damage so it can be actually potent and stunning him out of it doesnt make him a useless wet paper clip
  5. hammond is fine dont touch him
  6. Roadhog I mean thats a good one


I recommend adding another form of healing at this point so she can heal while the spear is active. Maybe her pistol works similar to Ana’s weapon since Ana stole the tech from mercy to make her weapon.

I like the moira change, but I feel like with the extra utility the healing/ damage of orbs should be decreased. I like the mercy idea to. I wish mercy could have a fun impactful play style again but rez is preventing that. Honestly they should just completely replace rez imo, since as a cooldown its either op or garbage with no in between

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I read the heroes that I play, aka: main healers offtanks + sigma, Sombra, ashe and sym a I loved it, and I did like the bastion rework.

it would literally be a hard nerf with no real compensation, do you think adding 4 damage to his primary makes it worth losing 40 to his ult and a higher ultimate cost? that passive will do nothing with how much AOE healing is in the game, just delete genji out of this post until you know anything about the hero

The staff actually doesnt really go away from her hand, its mostly just an animation, atleast that wasnt my intentional design choice, i just thought it would be cool for her to chuck her staff at people like a spear

although i could change it so that she makes one out of light or something like that inestead of the staff itself so it makes more sense

i mean i didnt say he wasnt Op. but that his prominence mostly strives not from him beeing too strong but from the lack of competition, but i still felt like steadfast was more like Knockback immunity rather than resistance at this point,

yeah a bunch of people said this so i went ahead and deleted the 2nd passive

Maybe, i just thought fortify could use a bit more love though, especially with a weak shield,

I guess you could have kinetic grasp heal him inestead of give extra HP whenever possible? but technically extra HP is already furfilling a “healing” prupose of sorts

oh rip lol ill edit that one

Well what i was going for is that if you detonate the orb then you arent getting its healing/damage value anymore because its destroyed

Thanks, although ive tried to refraim from any big sweeping reworks on this thread since im mostly against those

thanks! but…what does bedroom rework mean? lol

from what ive gotten i dont think people seem to get what im going for, the point of the passive is not to kill people, but to fight their healing, if you are having a constant stream of health, lets say 50, and you are also taking 12 damage per second, then the healing is “technically” lower,

you could reduce the selfheal of a moira M2ing you, for example, to like 8hps with the passive overall, although i un-nerfed his Ult a bit due to how many genji players felt like it was too much

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All I have to say is play with me on time
and you will see me fly ;-;
He is still knocked back just not ridculous amounts like every other tank.
the passive does its job and resists 50% of the distance a knockback gets.
people are used to obnoxious knockback distances they get tilted when rein doesnt have it even though he still gets knocked back a decent distance just not obnoxiously like every other hero

great now youre only lowering it by 30 damage and raising the ult cost for almost no compensation, brilliant you’ve clearly learned.

An ana or moira spraying a target getting slashed can outheal a naked blade, the problem with nanoblade is its prefix, nano. The blade by itself is just as garbage as the rest of his kit.

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Just so you understand why the ult change cost is beeing increased, ive actually demoed genjis changes in workshop (not exactly the ones you see here), and found out that, when dashing through the enemy team while testing i got a lot of ult charge from it, like way too much, , hence why i decided to nerf it because i was getting it every 3 seconds, that plus the increased shuriken damage also contributes

Honestly i personally belive its bugged,

because its totally not 50%

it feels like he doesnt even move in most cases, inestead of just moving less