Let's talk about the demise of this game

Me reading the title:
“Let’s talk about buffing bastion.”
Yes, I need to join in.

Which is all fine and good until you realize the market that this game is aimed at.

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OT: ME vs YOU instead of US vs The problem is also what’s going wrong in a lot of relationships :wink:

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It’s infectious. It’s infected politics, culture, personal relationships, business… It’s fragmented, and divisive behavior that only seems to proliferate. It’s insane. Nobody can just have a mature conversation anymore without insulting one another. It’s shallow and pathetic imo. I refuse to be apart of it:

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Sorry, but your teammates are absolute garbage if the 3 of them couldn’t kill a Brig, but I bet this was an extremely exaggerated scenario because you got owned and now you’re pissed.

Diablo 2 was quite good… other than that, this ‘was’ the only other Blizz title I really enjoyed.

What Blizz is capable of, from my perspective, is producing a decent game about once every decade or so.

I doubt there are that many truly garbage players in a 3400sr comp.

While this doesn’t surprise me in the least, I’m one of those lost players after all, I’d really appreciate a source for this.

That’s true, but even the best of players have bad matches. I just don’t believe that 2 tanks + healer (ANY HEALER) get destroyed by Brig.

Stranger things have happened.

well that is easy cause most of the old streamers are fps payers plus the main reason many stopped was because blizzard and started buffing characters who were less mechanically challenging from season 4-5.
i wont mention her again but buffing Her essentially was the starting point of the demise for the game.

what also did not help the game was introducing characters after that which where mechanically less challenging and just gave us bots.

hammond as a skilled tank should have been in the game long time ago.

Maybe I’m the other half, because you don’t speak for me.

You just witnessed 2 bad players, Brig doesn’t have potential to win a 1x1 against any tank, less 2.

Zarya: bubble the stun.
Reinhardt: just smash normaly and combo melee+fire strike, pin her down after she uses shield bash.
Winston: he is to mobile for her, really.
D.Va: high burst damage, it’s very likely that she will break your shield, you don’t have damage for bypass her armor at all.
Roadhog: just don’t be a moron and use your breather AFTER she stuns you, honestly you don’t even need to use it in a 1x1 fight against her >_>
Orisa: can Halt! Brigitte away and also have Fortify, approach a Orisa alone and she will break your shield.

Why people in this forum are such scrubs?

No, just no, you don’t speak on my behalf. I have been playing this game since release and there has been no sign of slowing down. People said that WOW was a dead game, but guess what, it still has a big playerbase and keeps getting new expansions.

Now here’s a question, what were the two tanks and the healer, what were their SR. You may have been at 3400, however you didn’t talk about them. You’re leaving out info to make certain people side with you.

You say Blizzard lost 23% of their players, but where is your proof again. Not everyone is gonna play Overwatch all the time, there are other games.

Also who cares if streamers leave, as far as I’m concerned, them leaving just frees up spaces for more higher ranked people.

Could have been? Overwatch was an amazing success of a game. When this game was first announced I thought it was simply a TF2 clone. Now I know that’s wrong, it may have been inspired by TF2, but Overwatch drew me quickly after playing the open beta and watching the shorts.

TL:DR, Just because you don’t agree with some of the things that have happened in this game doesn’t mean you can speak for everyone. Learn to adapt and learn to grow up.


I normally just read over and agree with your statements. This post is not really different, but I would like to add a few of my own observations and ask a question.

You said Blizzard is heavy handed in formulating a META based around what they want it to be. Later saying that the Dev’s lack imagination. Though I do agree with this premise, I would like to add that there is a portion of the community that is equally at fault for how people perceive Overwatch and the balance issues. You said society as a whole is on a divisive rampage. Very few people tend to disagree with class, and when disagreements arise it is a “me vs. them” mentality.

When in the hero select screen I see this division every day. In both Quick Play and Competitive. This is first and foremost a team game and somehow in almost every game, I have played, since release you have two types of players on the opposite end of the spectrum who are the antithesis of what this game is not.

  1. The META slave. If you team is not comprised of META heroes the META Slave, I will refer to this as MS in this context, will want the entire team to be comprised of the heroes the top percentage and/or the pro’s use. If they do not get this META team the MS will play in accordance with their perceived slight that because they are not on a META team the game is already lost. The MS will now all but throw the match
  2. The Non META Crusader, or NMC, in this example. The NMC will hurriedly pick the hero they want to play regardless of the team composition. They will pick this hero regardless of map. Finally they will play this hero at all times even if they are countered, super countered, or blatantly lack the base knowledge to play said hero.

My beef with these two players are they tend to be on the polar opposite of the Overwatch player scale, but they are EVERYWHERE! In a game designed to played as team these two types of people take a huge dump on this very basic concept. Even though they are on the opposite side of the same coin their reason for doing so is the identical. I paid for this game and you, or anyone else, even Blizzard cannot tell me how to play. The worst part of this is Blizzard stands up for these people.

I believe this to be just as detrimental to the development of Overwatch as the developers own lack of imagination. I think their imagination is stifled because they have to cater to those of us who want a great game, and people who are overly sensitive about what it means to play a team oriented activity.

My question to you is this. Where is your post about power creep. I must have missed it? I would really like to see what you wrote. Power/mobility creep is an important subject and I want your take.

Thanks Rich, and glad to see you game from time to time.

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1v3ing 2 tanks and a healer? Those are some bad players or they were just caught in a team fight and she was smacking them in the middle while they didn’t focus her.

Every game they make is a blockbuster favorite. Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo, world of warcraft

Part of this mentality problem is actually larger society issue in general. And no one will ever admit it.

No one is going to like what I’m going to say, but the LARGE source of the problem is actually cell phones.

The fact that EVERYWHERE you go, no one ever talks to each other anymore unless they are forced to (business or essential transactions), and everyone, everywhere, are constantly staring at their cellphones, shows that people simply don’t know how to socialize or communicate properly anymore. Go down to the local college or university. Go to the library. What do you see if people aren’t doing research? On their cellphones, that’s what.

Back in the old days, people actually socialized and showed interest in new things and each other, because they HAD to. This fostered better overall communication skills and interactions and thus led to better problem solving and conflict resolutions. It’s hard for anyone to do that these days if when you’re walking down the street, you’re spending all your time talking to your girlfriend or boyfriend or watching some youtube or random game video or app game, rather than paying attention to what’s around you. For those who think I’m just trolling, even the CEO of Apple (Tim Cook, not RIP Steve Jobs) ADMITTED even HE spends far too much time on his cellphone and not enough time socializing.

I’m going to go ahead and AGREE with this thread. This game had so much potential. Developers can’t balance heroes, can’t push simple fixes, they apply fixes too late, not enough support and tank heroes, matchmaking is terrible. Implements LFG to remove the uncertainty of queuing, then releases private career profiles at the same time… Make an enforce public career profile option for us players who want to create a team to play in comp. AND SO MUCH MORE!

I check on the forums and news because I always think they’ll add/change something to make me want to play again. I come back to the game for 1-3 weeks max and then stop playing for a few months.

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