Lets talk about Ana

Is Sleep Dart on a 5sec cooldown?

Maybe in 6v6 with OffTanks and a ton of overlapping CC spam.

But I doubt that’s the intention for 5v5. Especially if they want any hope of addressing Queue Times and Matchmaker Quality.

The goal is making Support as close to as fun/popular as playing DPS as possible. And they aren’t going to get that if you need to beg random internet stranger for peel 24/7.

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Hard no to any and all CC buffs.

Nano to self is a good idea though.

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Crazy how you have 60,000 posts and absolutely no sense of what supports are supposed to do at all.

In pretty much every other Class Based Shooter in existence, Supports can kill or escape out of pretty much any 1v1.

So what game genre is your “what Supports are supposed to do” coming from?

The most popular class based shooter other than Overwatch is TF2. Medic is by far and away the weakest H2H combat class in the game.

In the name, “support.” They perform other functions than primary damage. They heal, debuff enemies, and buff allies. That’s where supports should be strong.

Allowing supports to do all of the above, and also kill just as effectively as damage heroes, nullifies the purpose of damage heroes.

In basically every Class Based Shooter, “Supports” can kill or escape from pretty much every 1v1.

So clearly that definition does not apply to that game genre.

So what game genre is your definition coming from? Because it’s not from the Class Based Shooter genre.

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The TF2 Medic can duel scouts and spies, and outrun the rest. Aside from self damaging demos/soldiers which drop their own health low enough that you can duel them.

Because being able to merely exist shouldn’t be dependant on random internet strangers babysitting you the whole game.


Medic isn’t that much faster than everyone else. To quote Soldier:

“You run fast, my bullets run faster!”

Like, I’m really not sure what games you play that you think “Supports outrun everyone” is some sort of universal genre rule.

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If they are playing Winston they are likely playing other dive heroes as well, a sleep on 15 sec doesn’t really do much good just like Cassidy with his old stun wasn’t good vs. dive. Because you have 1 stun vs. 4-5 dive heroes.

No dude you must just be terrible, I’m sorry.

There is so much wrong in these two sentences it’s genuinely incredible, bravo. Like I legitimately do not know where to start.

Where are you guys positioned such that you have 5 dive heroes constantly on top of you?

Would you care to list the a Class Based Shooter, where the Support class doesn’t have a good chance of consistently out-dueling or out-running 1v1’s.

Because it’s not any of these

Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress Classic
Apex Legends
Gundam Evolution
Dirty Bomb
Enemy Territory
PlanetSide 2
Bleeding Edge


No worries, I doubt you could go into detail if you tried.

Sure, let us begin.

No he can’t, lol, do you watch or play competitive TF2? Scout rolls medic.

Really, your crossbow is gonna beat the revolver?

If you’re so close to a demo or soldier that they’re taking self damage, you’re going to die.

Just because you’re in bronze and basic peel is a struggle doesn’t mean everyone else is.

Ah yes, we should take balance decisions from battle royales and whatever a “planetside 2” is

Okay so I haven’t played all of those (and played even fewer recently) but I’ll try a few:

Again, Medic is only marginally faster than everyone else (and even that assumes stock loadouts for the most part. Good luck outrunning a Demoknight or Jetpack Pyro)

One light support mech (Technician), One heavy support mech (Incinerator.)

Assuming you’re running the Adrenal Pump, which you might not be (and is also available to the Infiltrator & Light Assault, the people he’d probably be running from)

99% a PvE game (and has so many other mobility options your frame’s speed is almost irrelevant)

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I hated Ana in OW1. Like, if your other support didn’t pick Ana, you just knew at some point you were gonna get asked to swap to her if you didn’t pick her originally.

I hated it. I hated it so god damn much. Even in Diamond/Masters she was practically always there.


Higher level play you usually have 2-3 on top of you whenever they dive, that’s the whole point of it. It can be anyone from tank, damage and support that comes at you as well. 1 sleep doesn’t help. If you use it on winston then there’s a free blade, if you use it on blade then there’s a winston on you

Ana is hard to use in dive environment


I play Ana at a relatively high level. If you have 2-3 on you with no peel you’re not positioned correctly.

Yes it definitely does.

Why on earth should Ana be able to solo escape or counter a blade and a diving winston at the same time?

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Top support players literally don’t play her anymore because she can be dove easily and 1 sleep on that long of a cooldown isn’t enough. Kiriko countering her kit makes her lose value as well.

She shouldn’t but what if you do everything right and the cleanse hits? Even without blade, you still die in a lot of those dives even if it’s just a winston and a genji. Hitting the sleep doesn’t even matter now because of Kiriko.