Let's start #bufftorb

You would not like Tf2…

Turret should shoot teammates to heal them.
Having hammer out should grant a speed boost.
Lastly, he should be able to stand on his turret.

And wall run.

I agree, he needs another beard

Say that again, real slow like.


Here our issue. Overwatch is an FPS but it also wants to be MOBA esque where healing and turrets are relatively common

TF2 sentries are easy to destroy. They take good placement and support to be anything more than noob killers. And torbjorn does require aim; a primary that arcs, shoots small projectiles, and has travel time means you have to be very skilled to land consistent shots at range.

I will say the same thing as I said in the thread that tried getting a #BuffSymmetra movement.

Your playerbase is too small to make it work. Mercy’s isn’t. (By a huge mile.)
Your hero is simply not popular enough to get much support to make it work and I doubt youtube channels would even wants to mention it in their videos.

This is also why #DeleteBrigitte was also so large. It had many support from those who dislike her, even from OWL players.

* upvote *

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I don’t think he needs a buff.