Lets settle this skill-aim-blabla thing

Yes not all heroes are aim intensive.
Nobody in their right mind thinks that only heroes with aim takes skill.

Rein/winston takes immense gamesense, movement and positioning at high levels, if not played right ur feeding/throwing the game. These are IQ heroes, that requires smarter play than heroes like widow.

On the other hand, widow needs good mechanical skill to find value. (ofc there are smart plays to go for, but im talking in general)

Mccree is kind of hybrid in this context. Needs to land shots, as well as making sure he is never out of position, while also looking for flanks/aggressive opportunities. Gets easily run over.

Then we have heroes like moira/brig. Both require little to no aim, and both have forgiving positioning. Brig has insane peal and self sustain, and moira selfheal and fade. So lets not for a second try to pretend that all heros take the same ammount of skill. Heroes like these 2 are without a doubt some of the easiest/forgiving heroes to play while getting value in the game.

We just need to accept the fact that some heroes are objectivly easier to play. Aim is irrelevant. Then we can let this discussion go and go on about our lifes :slight_smile:



I dont get how people could call Winston and mid-high skill hero but call Sym 2.0 faceroll no skill, Winston was way more faceroll.


i think the “sym-noskill” stuff is due to the fact that u can literally roll gold-matches with use of turrets and right click spam only. However in higher rankes she surely takes skill to find value.

Winston is a main tank that takes actual coordination and follow up to be useful. His ult has takes mechanical skill.

Sym took the basic ability to hold down 1 button.


That is a gross devaluation of the amount of skill she required, they required almost the same aim requirements because of Winstons huge frontal cone only Sym had to manage a million little things at the same time and forethought before engaging or she would get deleted.

Then again you are a Genji main so no doubt your salty over getting turned into ash even though your playing a highly mobile hero that should have no trouble staying out of her range :stuck_out_tongue:


I did hope you’d make a good argument op, oh well.

Sorry brah any aim dependant hero takes more skill than less aim intensive ones simply because everything you need to think about with an no aim hero, you also need to think the same with an aim hero while splitting your brain power into leading shots/being precise.


All the heroes take skill to make work.

Aim is a skill but without teamwork it ain’t gonna matter how great a head Hunter you are in this game.

Most important skill for a Support is staying alive. Sym still functions as one to a lesser degree.

It takes skill to make 1-3.0 Sym to work. And even then just like with aim you can have good like game sense talent with Sym but her kit can get out played by basic mechanics such as Aoe, spam, mobility tools, and the big skill button ults.

It’s ridiculous to complainin about skill intensive heroes when this game has ults and most of them are “I win the fight” buttons.

People aren’t picking Ana over Mercy cause they are in love with the need to aim. Same reason Mcree isn’t less popular because the importance of his aim.

This game has a punishing comp system for losing. The higher you climb the more you have to pick which hero gives my team best advantage not to lose Sr. Aim be damned, it’s always gonna be about strength of kit.

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That not even remotely true.
Most DPS heroes are able to operate in a little bubble of safety and sort of fallow the tanks who set the pace and entire tone of the game. In most cases the death of a DPS hero will not result in a team wipe almost instantly after like it does with a main shield tank or main support.

DPS players tend to play with a tunnel vision mindset and it’s why in many case they can’t just step into main tank being you have to be tracking everything at all time as a main tank. If you screw up, in many cases the team will be wiped out.
Also a lot of team fights hinge on support ULT play to prevent team wipe level of ULT combos and attack. Again, next to nothing in the DPS game play carries the same level of team play weight. As most DPS ULTs are “Hey got two” and it’s good enough, the failure of the DPS player doesn’t result in a total team wipe or near instant lost team fight.

Compare that to a widowmaker who sits so far back out of range that in many cases no one can even fight back against her. That’s not really positional play or game sense. It’s aim, but that’s about it.


Mcree and syms difficult are so because their kits are gimped compared to the better characters. Genji kit for example has an answer to all situations, mcree due to his falloff and no mobility and sym do not. Sym isn’t a high skill hero, she’s just an underpowered hero like bastion- that’s what’s difficult about her. I also disagree about ana plenty of people pick her because of the aiming demand, they find that fun. Although I’d agree she’s as easy as mercy in trip tank + comps.

I agree that ults are too powerful for the skill required and I disagree that staying alive is the only skill required for supports as a lucio or zen not hitting shots (especially zen) are not doing much. Yeah you’ve aoe heal and discord but in an ideally matched game you need to bring more.

That’s just ignorant, of course dps has to pay attention to cooldowns and the flow of the game and regardless of the role if you’re tunnel visioning you’re just playing poorly. Widow and pharah to a lesser extent are an exception since most of the cast cannot contest them in their intended ranges but I hold the “unpopular” opinion that widow is busted and needs descope or something similar- although ashe has helped to contest her.

Do you really care what people have to say?

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The exaggerations people make should just show you this debate is stupid and pointless. No. Tracer is blinking all over the place like a 1 clip behemoth. And no doom isnt some creature with a rocket punch straight from your nightmares the same as mercy isnt just a “hold down 1 button to win” hero and brig isnt so braindead you win by picking her on select screen. This whole debate is dumb.


Good start.

Going … well, i mean, it is like common sense. Not everybody has it but go on.

That is true indeed, not because they are easier means they are going to lose against “high skilled heroes” or should have capped/limited impact, yep.

Yeah no. You went too far there mate.
This is still an FPS game, having to aim “somehow” is quite important and having to do it or not makes A LOT of difference and is quite relevant.


Mccree and Reinhardt are the most skill required heroes in the game, fite me Widow and Hanjo mains!!

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I always saw aim as a force multiplier. Good aim alone won’t help you much if you can’t work with the team. You don’t need great aim to get to GM, but you do need positioning or game sense if you don’t. I’d weight each of those skills about equal value. However, some of those skills may be harder to acquire or maintain than others. I would say that time spent aim training is just as valuable if not more so than watching VODs about game sense.

Winston just needed to press shift and m1 and bam, both healers are dead.
See the hypocrisy?

clearly you don’t know what the word “peel” and “discord orb” mean

i meant its irrelevant in the discussion of wich hero takes skill

So you have never heard “no aim, no brain I’m a Winston main.” ?
And btw it it is because tanks are generally require the most game sense and proper positioning.
What is more Winston’s ult is probably the hardest ult to use properly.


The main skill with Winston is just shield management and not over-extending. To get real value beyond just picks, yeah he needs to coordinate, but so does half the roster in that regard. The reality is even Sym 2.0 didn’t rely mainly on her primary fire, it’s kind of amazing even now that there was this much bitterness over that attack…

Agree with the OP. For example, fhen it comes to movement abilities and team awareness, Mercy is more difficult than Soldier or Widow.

Also, once you can aim, that’s a skill in the bank - you dont lose it when you play other characters.