Let's Revisit the Absurdity of "Hide and Rez"

It does fit under trolling.

How so? There’s not really anything trollish about it that I can perceive

It calls out people for saying hide and rez was a thing.
Then uses false logic to “prove” that hide and rez couldn’t be a thing.

It’s the number 1 reason raised by players objecting to mass resurrect.

N7Warrior said it best – it’s a strategy, a bad strategy, because it made any fight where Mercy is not in action for more than 2 seconds a 5v6. It should be a net win for any competent team whose enemy Mercy hides to capitalize on.

So, I’m looking at the CoC now, and here’s what it says on trolling, in case we need a reference:

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

And I fail to see where Titanium’s post falls in this. If anything, it’d be closer to violating the “Creating Duplicate Threads” rule in the CoC, and even then, it’s its own thread. It talks about a topic we already know about, yes, but it talks about it and elaborates on it in a different way. It has its own purpose and its own way of discussing what it wants to discuss. How flawed its argument is, is irrelevant. It’s still an argument being posed, and from where I’m standing, it’s pretty constructive to an extent, and doesn’t violent the CoC.


I see no other reason for opening up old wounds like this other than someone wanting to be a troll who wishes bait the community…

Megadodo CANNOT comprehend figurative speaking. They CANNOT understand what a metaphor is. They lack this ability for some reason and it’s just absurdly laughable seeing them just argue-“But that’s not true though”-like it helps their argument in the slightest. When in reality it makes them come off naive and that any statement provided should be taken with a grain of salt.

By the way Megadodo- “Taken with a grain of salt” is an idiom of the English language, which means to view something with scepticism or not to interpret something literally-I don’t mean to literally take with a grain of salt. Just clearing up any confusion you might have


It’s not really like a thread with 700+ responses with a various degree of toxicity could have ever been unexpected. The OP has a tendency to write long and polarizing posts about topics that are well understood to cause this kind of response. I think that fits perfectly into trolling, but I guess that’s just my interpretation of it.

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Fair enough. I guess I just interpret it differently. I just see it as, it’s a Mercy thread. Mercy threads don’t have a very good history on the forums. I still didn’t think it’d get so bad as to get Titanium’s post flagged, though. I generally saw him as a pretty respectable guy. He wants Mercy to be good, but he argues on more of a logistical standpoint and argues less with emotions. Even if the standard of which the numbers are being weighed may not be what everyone agrees on, it’s still numbers. Kinda hard to be biased with that. And the reasoning behind how he uses the numbers seems pretty reasonable to me. No hiding + Valk chain beams should raise the healing more than just a few hundred, right?

But anyways, that’s my interpretation of it. I personally don’t see any issue with it, and even after reading the OP, I was surprised that it was flagged to the point of being hidden.

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From what I remember, his specific stance is more he wants Mercy to be fun, doesn’t matter if she’s complete garbage

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Yes. But that’s not the problem.
The problem is the way it communicates and comes across.

Excessive on same points.


Even though I’m all for another Mercy rework I find the OPs polarizing wall of text to be nothing other than harmful and destructive. I think I’m starting to lose respect for the OP.


This is my issue. Cooldown rez is such an issue and mass rez was never properly addressed. It’s such a rushed thing and I don’t understand why. It’s doesnt make the game Inherently better, just different. And I think the perception of this rework being a success is why reworked heroes keep coming instead of trying to tweak them . And it’ll continue until there s no hog hook no flashbang, no recall, no widow hooks, no unique aspects of heroes and it’s not how I want this game to grow.
I want them to see where mass Rez went wrong and why valk is bad design. But everyone is so" blehhhhh you want ez Rez " or “blehhhhh like valk” despite neither of those even really being good reasons to agree or disagree in terms of a game


Hypothesis #3:

Mass ress was toxic and bad for the game and you’re not getting it back.


Here’s the thing: I was originally on board with mass rez, but the pro-mass rez community made me change my mind.

The threads like these spread so much misinformation that it forces people to be categorized into 2 groups: Pro-Mass Rez, and Anti-Mass Rez.

Mass rez wasn’t a problem because it was in every game, it was a problem when it DID happen.

Pretending like it didn’t happen because of how all the “good” Mercy players would temp-rez is like Pirate ship isn’t a good strat because all the good Bastion mains knew how to play Bastion without being babysat.

it DOES not have any substantial evidence, but the common agreence was that Pirate Ship was hated, felt manditory, and was cheesy.

The good mercy mains who tempo-rezzed aren’t going to come out and say that they abused Mass-rez, meanwhile those who did play her for the hide-and-rez are also not going to come out and say that they did.

Thus it’s an echo chamber, where everyone gathers to say “it wasn’t a problem” when it only SEEMED like it wasn’t a problem. Just because you can’t see evil, doesn’t mean evil doesn’t exist.

AND thus you have the other side of the fence who also create echo chambers, like how they all perpetuated that hide-and-rez was somehow mainstream, where EVERY Mercy player abused it.

The reason why I flopped is because I’m done trying to break up these echo chambers. The Mercy fandom is one of, if not thee largest fandom in this game, and with the huge echo chamber saying the same stuff, there’s no room for reason.

Every point has been discussed, and each side has settled on using the same fallacies. I’m done. I’m against mass-rez because I’m tired of talking about it. Zero progress had been made each and every attempt at bringing it back, and no one seems to think rationally about it.

Au contraire, it’s also a breeding ground for an echo chamber (of both sides), as seen by the likes given thus far.

The pro-mass rez supporters will give praise, and the ones against it will do as they always do.

While I respect Titanium and his posts, this is really straying from any constructive discussions and as you said, it’s abundantly clear that mass-rez isn’t coming back.


I feel the nature of it being an echo chamber comes with both sides choosing to ignore the subject at hand. It doesn’t matter if mass Rez comes back. But it does matter as to how it left, what it meant, and how future changes have gone. Looking at one aspect of the argument and how it does or doesn’t apply can further the consumer opinion and purchases of future games. This is where I’m glad I’m on confuse because I’m not paying for overwatch directly. And right now, I wouldn’t. This is the third game I’m disappointed from blizzard with and if I had to pay monthly to play only this game, I wouldn’t. And for me, the peak representation of issues in overwatch, can be found with Mercy. Not fixing her, gives me no hope for them fixing the game


It wasn’t flagged for “trolling” and no, it isn’t flaggable for trolling either.

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It is a hypothesis based around the fact that a person uses hide and rez, stops healing in order to wait around. That would show the rework having much higher numbers, especially because of Valkyrie’s design that gives her chain beams.

The lack or real increase in healing shows that a greater number of Mercy players spent a lot of time healing enough that having the capability to heal more than one team mate hardly changed anything for them, which manages to reflect the hypothesis that hide and rez likely wasn’t that common a strategy because the healing numbers have hardly changed which don’t show the strategy of stop healing to hide.

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But that still means there was an active period of time where she was not healing and lost lots of healing oppurtunities.

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But she also gained healing opportunities which current Mercy does not have.