⌨ Let's play a game: Buff a character like how Sombra gets "Buffed"

Genji can now perform a quadruple jump but passing the threshold of two jumps means he will receive fall damage (30 for jump 3 50 for jump 4)


And you can no longer contest the point while invis. That and both things you just listed are HUGE nerfs. People who don’t play Sombra just don’t realize the impact those things have. Trading those for infinite invis is a laughable tradeoff.
To put it in perspective, if I had to choose between these changes and them just straight up adding 2s to the translocator cd, I would choose the latter.


I’ll use the example I gave on the other thread:

  • Orisa now has infinite clip size
  • Barrier now has half health
  • Fortify duration -1 second

Ooooh, that’s a good one!

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Buff: Winston now has a primal punch instead of his standard melee.
Nerf 1: bubble’s cooldown starts when destroyed.
Nerf 2: primal rage doesn’t reset jump pack on activation and deactivation (cooldown is still 2 seconds).


try and keep the format

Nerf 1:
Nerf: 2

makes it easier to read and for bonus points add a “reasoning” to justify the nerfs


You made Tracer worse than Sombra lol

Buff: He now takes reduced damage in sentry configuration.
Nerf: He can’t headshot with sentry configuration.
Nerf: He has 50% more spread with sentry configuration.


Buff: Helix Rockets can be used 2 times
Nerf 1: Must use all before recharging
Nerf 2: No random crits
Hero: Soldier 76


Wouldn’t you need a minimum of 3-4 nerfs in order to buff like Sombra? :thinking:


Buff: scrap gun does 25% more damage.

Nerfs: take a breather only reduces damage by 30% not 50% (cause standung next to a nuke and living is broken)
The scrap gun can jam (low% chance of happening but with every shot the chance slowly ramps up) to fix the same roadhog has to go through an animation (which can be activated anytime even If the gun is not jamed) that is activated through the interact key.
The animation takes the same time as the reload animation.

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No random crits is a huge nerf, do that

Im out of like or id throw you a guys a few. Imma put one more out there and go to bed keep it goign and ill check back later when i wake up and have more likes.

Buff: She gets 20% more self healing from primary fire
Nerf 1: She no longer gets healed from her own healing orbs
Nerf 2: Discord orb takes away 20% of her health when she throws it

Reasoning: Moria has problems regaining her meter in a fight, this will alow her to suck life juices out of her enemies easier without dying so self healing through healing orb seems unnecessary. We want her to be a healer first and foremost so when you try to deny your team healing with the healing orb discord uses part of her own life to deal damage for not focusing on her team


Her projectiles are already as small as hitscan.

Simple formula:
Step 1) Define the direction a character needs to take.
Step 2) Nerf everything that makes it possible.
Step 3) Insert buff that nobody asked for, needs, or uses.

Let’s make Torbjorn more of a builder, boosting his DPS.
Buff: Torbjorn can now build a 2nd turret – an energy cannon – that can shoot through shields with higher damage, at a slower fire rate. The turret costs 200 scrap to place, requires placement of a Lv2 turret, and requires constant repair every shot which costs even more scrap-per-hit.

Nerf 1: Drop rate for scrap reduced to 15%.
We can’t have the little guy getting his energy cannon too quickly. Or at all.

Nerf 2: When Torbjorn is wielding his hammer, he takes 30% more damage.
We don’t want to encourage the style of sitting around hitting a turret the whole game.
We’d like to see him running around hunting the sparse pieces of scrap laying around.

Nerf 3: Can no longer hand out armor.
We think it’s best that Torbjorn focus on his building and scrap-collecting capabilities at this point than being a pseudo-healer.

Undocumented Nerf 1: The Lv2 turret’s fire rate has been reduced, and falloff damage has been added as well.
We don’t wish to explain this one, and you’ll have to figure it out for yourself.

Undocumented Nerf 2: Markers for scrap have been removed.
Because reasons.

We’ll be keeping an eye on Torbjorn to make sure he lands in a good spot. These additions to the PTR are subject to change and, as always, we are listening to and appreciate any feedback. Please let us know here: trashbin.jpg


I call this the Pharah nerf, just bringing other DPS ults in line with Barrage:

Buff: Riptire, Self destruct, Bastion ult, Tac Visor, Deadeye, Pulsebomb now all do 3x the amount of damage
Nerf: You now cannot move while using them, and cannot cancel them early, and cant be behind your team’s shields/barriers, and can’t receive healing from lucio aura/ultimate, zen ultimate, moira in general, ana grenade, or brigitte passive while ulting
Nerf: They now kill you in literally 0.75 seconds if you use them within 10 feet of any physical object/shield/barrier/player
Nerf: You also must be within 20 or 30 feet of your target or your ult will do tickle damage


Buff: Ice block now lasts 2 seconds longer and fills her up to full HP instantly

Nerf: Ice wall lasts 1.2 seconds

Nerf: Blizzard charge is now slower and has smaller range

I never want these changes to be added :flushed:


I guess I shouldn’t even be here. I only have 4 hours on Sombra, she is my least played hero.

Your nerfs are not enough. Add “nerf: can’t capture or contest objective in ice block.”


Is that better? ???