Timelineing is a big one. More specifically, when Overwatch/The Omnic Crisis happened.
About 30 years ago, the Omnic Crisis started
Shortly after, Overwatch was founded
Omnic Crisis ended roughly 25 years ago, give or take a couple.
Mercy/Winston/Tracer/Genji joined Overwatch in its final decade. Only McCree joined earlier, and that was still after the Crisis ended. NONE OF THEM FOUGHT IN THE OMNIC CRISIS
Overwatch shut down about 5 years ago. This was before the Junker’s crime spree, before Vishkar played dictatorship in Brazil.
Almost every single short (The Last Bastion is said to take place long ago) and most comics (Not Legacy, Junkenstein, Uprising, and Retribution) is happening in near present day. All those events in brackets also happened near the end of Overwatch.
Junkenstein was no more than 10 years ago.
Retribution was exactly 8 years ago.
Uprising was exactly 7 years ago.
Legacy was about 6 or 7 years ago. After Uprising, but before the Swiss HQ incident 6 years ago that made people think Jack and Gabriel (Soldier 76 and Reaper) died.
Most of the events we have seen are either recent, or near the end of Overwatch’s life, and the Omnic Crisis was so long ago that half the cast wasn’t even born yet while it was being fought, and those that were alive were children. The oldest hero that wasn’t one of the 5 Overwatch founders that fought in the crisis is Roadhog, and he would have been 18 during the war.