Let's be real: Mercy is balanced

But generally not engaging to play.

But that’s still a good enough argument to want to see her changed. I just wanted to get this off my chest. So many players scream that she’s underpowered, but I think that’s just because they feel like they’ll get shot down if fun factor is their argument, because “fun is subjective”.

There’s nothing wrong with arguing that Mercy needs to be reworked because she’s not fun. If that’s your reason for arguing for Mercy changes, that’s fair enough. You can’t argue that she’s not the closest to balanced she’s ever been though. Your argument flies out the window because of all the evidence stating the contrary.

If you don’t think Mercy is engaging, make that argument.

If you don’t think she has enough wow factor in her ultimate, make that argument.

If her kit feels clunkier than older versions, make that argument.

If her gameplay feels too monotonous, make that argument.

But the fact is she is in a good place balance wise, and the reason Mercy is just stuck in place is because Blizzard have actual player statistics to back this up, so they’re more likely to throw out arguments about balance.

Not having fun with her is a perfectly good argument. I encourage people dissatisfied with Mercy to make it


In regards to her balance state, it all depends on whether or not Ana is OP.

If Ana is balanced, Moira and Mercy need a small tune up.

If Ana is OP, Ana needs a small batting to help Moira and Mercy.


I have to disagree. The reason Ana is so meta centric right now is because we’re in a tank meta. Not only is she the best healer for tanks but nanoboost has the unlisted side effect of increasing ultimate charge by 50%. Given that tanks charge ult slow and they’re generally very strong abilities, it puts her in the best place to be a main healer right now.

If you take down GOATS, Ana is no longer a must pick, but every meta revolves around the tanks that work the best


I agree, although ana is balanced fine imo.
Moira should be able to heal through barriers, that’s one of the most aggravating things to have to deal with.
After that, if Moira could see how much “ammo” she has left in her orbs on her HUD, as well as seeing her orbs through walls (like hacked health packs), it would be so much better.

Mercy, in my opinion, should get her pre-jan valk speed back but with interruptible Regen and shorter beams. That, and more unique sounds/visuals/animations, should be a bit better. Right now, valk is incredibly unengaging, so by making the speed considerably higher, while giving her actual weaknesses to consider and play around, she should be definitely more engaging to play.


I and many others I know find Mercy to be engaging to play


She’s alright I think, Valk is still kinda meh and she still feels like a chore to play as opposed to fun. In the mean time I’ll stick to Moira, Ana, and Brig.


Sure her core gameplay is the same as it’s always been, and I love that, but her ult is undeniably less engaging then say a trans or Moira ult.
The consistentcy of Mercy’s kit was balanced out by an inconsistent burst ult.
Now, I’m not saying mass res should come back, but her ult definitely needs to at least feel more burst like, much like every other “main” healer ult.


This is subjective as I find her very very engaging to play, let alone I still ave success while playing her.

What I do agree with is that she needs something more, as I am not apposing any form of positive changes towards her that makes her more so impactful.

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I don’t understand why it’s valid when you guys say she’s boring now and needs a rework, and not valid when I say her entire core concept sucks and she’s always been boring, and only a total rework that completely changed her entire playstyle could fix her.

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The developers validated the argument that finding something unfun is a good reason for a rework with Mercy.

You need to expand on your points that Mercy’s core mechanics are unfun; I find them very fun personally. I do however find Valkyrie and Revive to be boring gameplay mechanics, I always liked how she functioned apart from these two abilities which are currently ruining my experience on the character.

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I think her entire core playstyle of stand around and beam the person actually having the fun is unengaging and boring.

Flankers just aren’t a threat anymore, so ana has free rein. Ana isn’t op but she can just sit there and hold m1 with no consequences. All the healers aren’t engaging to play now just because there aren’t backline threats, I never played flankers but the game is better with them being good (aside from doomfist).

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Without her beam as it is, the mechanics regarded as ‘fun’ (GA use) would be unusable. Why are you standing around as Mercy and not using her abilities?

I think she´d be more balanced if she got +10 HPS on her base healing and Valkyrie healing. People saying she has utility because of damage boost forget with the nerfed healing, the time you can change to damage boost is reduced a lot because you focus more on keeping the team alive.
60 HPS basic healing and 70 HPS Valk healing is NOT too much. You can still kill the enemy even if they´re getting healed by a Moira, after all, and right now she has 80 HPS + heal orb.


I do, but it’s still not interesting. Healers that have to dodge and shoot together are far more interesting and engaging. I really like mixing a little offense into my support. And the attack boost is a cruel joke, even if everyone is full you still don’t get to shoot!

Mercy’s pistol is in my opinion highly underrated


If it was good, the pros and higher rank players would use it. They do not.

Factually, they do actually use the pistol when it is called for

In my opinion, a good Mercy player uses all of her kit, using specific pieces of it when the situation calls for it

I will add here that I have seen players play Mercy in 8 man elimination Deathmatch and win - handily


I don’t think she is balanced (on pc) as she is garbage at healing tanks and that means Mercy/Zen comps that spread out to counter Deathball style comps can’t prosper.

GOATs didn’t become ott until the support patch.

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The pistol gets almost no use in high rank. Statistics back me up.

In fact overusing the pistol is one of the reasons I can’t play Mercy well. I get bored and shoot.