Let's be honest here, are we still having fun?

No. Matchmaking is too casual and laid back across the board. No one wants to win most of the time. Everyone does whatever they want the whole game. Apparently people like to die more than they want to be alive and playing the game.

Oh, and no one wants to play as a team in a team oriented game.

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It’s not even the balance being bad. It’s not that bad, really. Lots of other, popular games are worse. It’s the playerbase, plain and simple. For some reason, and I have no idea why, this game attracts the worst kind of person.

It’s this low effort, passive aggressive, no talking, just leave ( even in comp ) or throw ( …a tantrum ) if you don’t get what you want crap that has been created by the insane extent Blizz has gone to to police players. Now, if someone is blatantly obviously trolling by a particular pick, being purposefully useless, or otherwise a pain, you have to just suck it up.

Point it out? Watch how fast their system backfires and you wind up banned.

This has to stop, this playerbase needs a kick in the pants, and Blizz needs to get far, far, more serious about the way they’re handling problem players.

Add to that the fact that literally every time Blizzard makes a change, the game becomes worse. Every hero added just plays into the low-effort, high-reward crap they’re shilling ( Hamster excepted, my god he’s hard to play well, but my god is he ever breathtakingly dangerous when done right ). Brigitte is probably the epitome of what “modern” Overwatch has become.

Then there’s the continual screw ups from Blizzard. They forget to put stuff in patch notes, don’t playtest updates ( seriously, Blizzard World, guys…guys…).

All in all, it’s a company that obviously does not give a flying poop about anyone who’s not wearing an OWL jersey.

I’m sick of it.


Of course I am still having fun. Otherwise, why would I be here playing it and talking about it? It’s just a video game; when it is no longer fun it is time to move on.

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Yes. /end thread :blush:

I also delete the game as I cannot have fun from ow anymore. The balance is bad, players are toxic and self centred. But I do enjoy reading the forum. There are funny people here.

No i am not, that is why my playtime is less and less. I am tired of Genji/Tracer/Hog in ever game.


For the most part, no. Not since hard CC started to become more prevalent.

Brigitte really wasn’t a good look imo, and as much as higher level players despised dive I don’t think she was the way to fix it. Now we’ve got another triple tank meta that I don’t see going away any time soon without substantial nerfs to her going forward.

I just keep playing for some reason hoping that maybe someday I’ll start having fun again.

In the first few months, before competitive and eSports arrived, I found this to be a fun game (much like Team Fortress 2, although that’s still fun). These days it can be more frustrating than fun, but when you do get good teammates on both teams then it can get real fun (sadly those matches are few and far between).

Role queue might help, if that is implemented. Guilds I don’t think will help much, certainly not for those who don’t speak on a microphone, I fear that it will just split up the players even more (e.g. guilds with mic required). I hope there’s something coming next year which will be of benefit to the majority of players. Endorsements and LFG seemed okay to begin with but things soon went back to the usual day to day life in Overwatch.

Of course, it’s now sniper watch. Being one shot by a sniper is so fun. /s


I don’t play the game that often anymore because I try playing other games as well, but when I do play Overwatch do I still enjoy it. This afternoon did I also try hunting achievements and I really enjoyed doing that.

The only thing I really don’t like in Overwatch are the bugs though. Some heroes has some serious obnoxious bugs that affect their kit too much, and some of them has been in the game for months or maybe even for years. I think this has to be improved. The bug fixing.

It’s still a fun game, but I feel like they need to bite the bullet a little and grant something extra to DPS characters, the ones everyone seems to want to play. It doesn’t have to make all DPS a competitive strat, but it should be a bit better than it is especially for Quickplay. Maybe give them slow regenerating health or something. If you’re not damaged in 5 seconds you get a slow regeneration.

The current quickplay is virtually unplayable because it’s all DPS, it’s super hard to get a healer. I feel like at some point Blizz should just give the fans what they want and make it a little easier to make a DPS team.

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Of course I’m having fun, hence my presence here.
I don’t play games that I don’t enjoy, and I’m in no way obligated to.

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I have fun. But that is probably because I borderline one trick Lucio on my main account so…

Sometimes I spend weeks without playing the game, not for the game itself, but for real life reasons. When that happens, even after the rehashed events, the toxicity, the challenge to my mental health these forums feel like… I still miss it, and still look forward to maybe making some time to play it at the end of the day.

So yes, I do have fun.

Yes plz Blizz. :pray:

Yep. Especially now Ashe is here.

Me and my mates are still having fun most of the time and I absolutely love OWL so im not going anywhere anytime soon

Love the game. Teammates can be blah. Non stop crying can be blah. Huge balance patches over a long period of time instead of small patches over a short period of time can be frustrating. No real changes or reset to ranked after 13 seasons is ridiculous.

Yes. I am still having fun :sun_with_face:

I have no fun. I just wanna catch all the cosmetic stuff like they were pokemon.

If it wasn’t for getting backfilled into ~40% of my games, yes I would be having fun. I’m about fed up with it and will likely play a lot less or quit after this event.

Yea I still find it really fun. If I get bored I change roles for a bit