Let us talk about her

If I’ll try to say her name Blizzard is just going to put it in the trash like they do so I’ll just say it very subtle.
Her kit

*Her E ability is OP and it feels bad to use. At the start of the game if you and your team are trying to get a pick so you can capture the point or move the payload, she can just erase that pick instantly forcing you to either retreat or try and use ultimates for a successful push. Not to mention, it has the longest cooldown in the game and it doesn’t reset after she respawns. This ability was meant for her to be more engaging in battle but Blizzard put a cast time on it so that it would return to her 1.0 version. Hide and res. She is also extremely vulnerable in this state, so the only way to get the most use of it is to hide behind a wall, exactly like she used to do.

*Her ultimate is weak compared to other support ultimates. As I said before, the purpose of the rework was to make her more engaging in battle, but all it does is it puts her into spectator mode so that she can watch her whole team die, without having any impact on it. I would also like to ask something. Who said Valkyrie in the first place? It was your fault that you didn’t kill her and used all your ultimates at once. Why would you do that if you knew that she was alive? Who came up with the idea of her ultimate to become a secondary ability? It’s like taking Hanzos’ dragons and putting them into a secondary ability.

Potential solutions

A.You would revert her into the state that she was before the rework and give her another 2nd ability.

B.You would rework her.

C.You somehow buff her in a way that she is both fun and balanced.

You somehow made it to the end of this post and realised who I was talking about:grinning: or maybe you didn’t. Who knows?
If you have an idea of a potential rework or you maybe agree or disagree with me just reply to this.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018