Let sym place jumpads

instead of teleporter

This is one of the things that I suggested back when people started speculating about buffs to 2.0. It would create additional mobility that could help break certain bottlenecks and enhance team mobility while leaving more control in individual players’ hands.

But we got an entirely new character that then got dumpstered because she did well that one time.


that’s a worse nerf than infinite tp tbqh.
aside from sym’s individual/independent uses (which lets be real, are most of them if you’re playing right) where jumpads will pretty much always be inferior for compared to tp, jumpads make you easily head shotted by snipers and hitscans whereas tp just doesn’t give users that opening. not to mention less value and much more niche in value too. like with tp you can still use it on flat maps for flanks or escapes, jump pad on flat maps don’t really give you much value at all.

I just want a to revert TP and a decrease in cast time from 2 seconds to maybe 1 second if they don’t want instant TP.

not if the whole team jumps in

yeah…unless you have a rein, it’d just “someone else” getting the headshot… whereas with tp you could place it somewhere with cover or really close to cover where momentum would get you into cover quick.

again, giving sym even more situational abilities will not help ._.

Any changes to TP isn’t really the solution to Sym’s problem. At best she’d have great utility and let her team move around the map, but still force it to be effectively a 5v6 fight.

Honestly her turrets, her primary or secondary fire, Ult,HP etc something needs to change. Right now she just doesn’t do enough effective dmg to get many kills unless your super lucky and hit max charge while every one ignores you. She doesn’t have any real mobility or skills to survive prolonged combat and her right click is spray and pray at it’s best.

But if you had to change TP one thing I would love is more range. 30, or 35m what ever it has right now is a joke. It’s basically the same distance as almost every other mobility move in the game and it has far more limitations. At least give it unlimited range or something, as far as you can see you can TP.

Maybe let Sym set “waypoints” to TP around corners.

As much as I don’t like current TP, I’ll take it over a jump pad.

You can exit quickly and won’t have as long as a period of helplessness because your falling down afterwards.

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Revert to the old Teleporter and have it as an additional summon when hitting the Teleporter key again. Same duration and cooldown.

I disagree because tp is her way in and out of her effective range. something does need to be changed for tp and that’s cast frequency being increased. the most easy and fair way to do it is a revert to old 3.0 tp cd mechanic (the non-infinite one).

but yes, I agree that such a revert won’t solve all her problems as she would still struggle to provide (damage role) value from being stuck outside her effective range attributed to either lack of sustain to stay in her effective range or lack of burst to do anything in her short time available in her effective range.

The way I see it the easiest and best way to balance Sym would probably be something like Sym 2.0 mixed with 3. I think 2.0 Sym with the same Turret mechanics would probably be fine.

That would give her the lock on beam, orbs that pierce barriers and the deplorable barrier but still let her throw the turrets (max of 3 as or 6 but weaker like the old ones).

The Ult might be a tough choice as I not a huge fan of the wall, Shield gen or TP in terms of being a good DPS ult. It would most likely need to be something new.

I disagree with this because it reintroduces a lot issues of the old kit while not really fixing much of the newer design either.

because with that old direction,

  • you’d still have an issue with having low effective range (much lower than current tbh) and no reasonable and independent ability to get in and out of her effective range.
  • without shield gen you likely wouldn’t have enough sustain to live in her effective range long enough to do her job

and all this will cause pretty much the same symptoms we see now and in the past, i.e.

  • no tp → can’t get to where you want to as sym to do things (put turrets where you want nor get picks with weapon) i.e. the bad kind of niche and too team dependent
  • stuck outside her effective range → inconsistent value achieved because orbs are really inconsistent overall esp when at range.
  • make her stuck in this hard balancing position where buffing her makes her oppressive to lower ranks but ok maybe in higher ranks
  • needing teams to push for her to get space → more team comp dependent
  • no way to get herself in effective range + short effective range → her having just enough sustain in her effective range means nothing because either it’s consumed to get her there or she sucks up someone else’s resource (rip teammate(s)) → fragile
  • playing really defensively and passively because she’s got nothing to let her be aggressive → niche (the bad kind)
  • really static because she has nothing to really let her move much
  • weapons more inconsistent → more dependant on turrets i.e. more team dependent on them playing around her static structures


I wrote up an analysis on various directions blizzard can take without a rework: Analysis of Balance Routes for Sym without Large Ability Redesigns/Reworks

what you described there, despite being a rework essentially, is most similar to the reaper2.0 path. and why that can’t work is that to make a hero with short effective range, no mobility and sustained damage, they need a LOT of sustain and bulk for them to be viable. like if you take reaper as a benchmark, even with his burst + 250hp bulk + lifesteal he needs his mobility abilities to get himself in and out of his effective range to do his job. how much sustain do you think sym will need to work given she has conditions that require more sustain when without mobility? and do you think the sustain she’d need is reasonable for her hitbox and role?

Maybe the jumpads would be better idea as an ult instead of tp?

Widowmaker players would have a field day

I have suggested in the old forums that what if she can create a speed boost track instead of jump pads as a mobility construct but i dont want to erase her TP just a replacement for her turret or a new construct.

The pad is like one of those with arrows on the ground that gives a burst of speed to whoever stepped on it. Its not like lucio boost but faster like tracer blink kinda way.

And another one i suggest is a buildable portal that bypass the walls and floors but only symm can enter thru it.
she can make a hole in The walls or floors that symm can go thru or jump in.this will save her from going all around the wall for escape or shortcut trips.

that won’t be as situational as jump pads, but still worse than tp tbh. like teleporting to somewhere will always be better than moving in a trajectory: faster and safer. and depending on how these pads are implemented, tp could be more general too since it can be placed to high ground whereas these pads might only just be lateral movement only (lateral is more general than vertical, but tp can do both is my point here).

I think speed pads would be a nice addition on another hero’s kit tbh because having both tp and speed pads is kinda redundant and not really synergetic to do anything useful on a damage hero tbh from what I can see.

I’d actually find this boost pad ability interesting on like a support hero and can also affect enemies as well as allies tbh. would be fun alternating between casting it out on where enemies are heading to boop them back or away and casting it to boost a teammate for a rush or to save them.

idk about this one tbh. my only concerns are:

  • seems like a really bug prone ability
  • and it’s kinda but not really mobility (like infinite tp being left/stuck somewhere tbh). like yeah you can get some pretty sneaky spots like eichenwalde point A attack to go through the mega room and straight to the point, but like for duels and stuff your mobility is still really wasd :\