Let Sombra deal 10-15% extra damage to hacked targets

You’re repeating the same thing you said before, but where’s your evidence. A powerful ability is one that improves a character’s overall power. Yet who would trade their own abilities for hack? Ana wouldn’t give up sleep dart, Zen wouldn’t give up discord, Junkrat would give up his trap or mine, Brig wouldnt’ give up shield bash. Even if you look at only CC abilities, nobody would trade their CC for hack.

And if nobody else wants the ability to hack if you offered it to them, then the ability isn’t powerful, it’s weak.

their kit wouldnt work with hack, that is not what their kit is based around. Not to mention zens discord is one of the most powerful debuffs in the game so no one would pass that up. and sleep dart is the most powerful form of cc in the game in potency

Hack is extremely powerful, but extremely hard to get use out of except emp, that is what makes it balanced. Would you call sleep dart weak? no, you wouldnt. Just because it is hard to get use out of, just because it is not reliable, does not make it not an extremely powerful form of CC when it does work and effectively used.

I think everyone, even myself, fails to look at things in the broad picture a lot, i am looking at sombra as broadly as possible. I cannot be the only one who sees buffing hack or sombra as the game is rn to be one of the biggest mistakes that could ever be made.

The problem being Stuns are instand and completely prevent you from doing anything most heroes with a stun can finish there target almost instantly Hack just is annoying because its long that’s why a lot of people call it stronger.
There is also Hook which has a way better potential then hack for example.

btw. mei’s ult is 6s I think.

hook is one of them yes, i forgot about it.

Sombras hack is strong because of its effect and yes, its duration. It is a 6s 90% stun, would you ever call that weak on any other character just because its hard to get use out of?

Sombra is not underpowered(very buggy yes), she is just way too high skilled to where pro league is just now starting to realize her power. Why do you think sombra just started appearing in contenders matches near the end of the last contenders. Why do you think blizzard are keen on making sombra less about her hack and more about her coordination/teamwork. She was balanced around her hack/emp for an eternity, and now theyre trying to balance her in a different way.

Sombra cannot for the sake of the game, be buffed in hack or in damage until theres more counterplay, unless you do want a heavy cc meta to be enabled, unless you do want tanks to drop in pickrate. If you thought s10 brigitte was bad, a sombra and/or unblockable cc meta where shes reliable would make brigitte look like soft cc

And this time, there wouldnt be a widowmaker/hanzo/pharmercy to be there to save it because all 3 got nerfed(pharah indirectly). This is the consequences of balancing one step at a time, cc is being heavily enabled, and frankly i dont think anyone sane would want a cc user like sombra to become reliable until theres more anti CC.

But, if you cannot see how buffing sombra in reliability would most likely devastate the game as it is rn, i cannot do anything to convince you. May blizzard do it, and i hope for this game that im wrong. But when it comes to meta shifts, im usually not wrong.

sombra is an utility dps, she doesn’t need more damage


Well if you would go so far every hero has a 10-second stun they can do its called killing And every hero is better at it then Sombra

Her power was always known no the pros didn’t just realize her power it was just way more effective to play someone that can kill This clip is from danteh he is a Pro player and plays Sombra / Tracer:

She was used as a Surprise pick they just didn’t had any strat to counter her that’s why we always saw it mirrors and we saw her being forced out multiple times in the last games as they slowly found some strats that worked and it wasn’t because she was good it was because they didn’t had time to think of one.

I didn’t suggest any Dmg or direct buffs to hack yes a threshold for hack seems like a buff for it but with as less as 10 - 15 dmg (which was the number I named) it just keeps hack from bracking from small splash dmg and far away (close range weapon) shots.
More speed makes her more useful in team fights without hack or EMP and Visuals make teamwork easier with her she is just way to hard to play with as a Team that’s why she is hated.
Nerfing EMP charge rate how I said to allow these buffs would make her CC even rarer

I agree on you that buffing any CC would be bad for the game but I don’t agree on buffing Sombra would be bad for the game her CC will stay the same while the rest of her kit will get better.
I hope that you understand that as a Sombra main in Plat getting someone the Team to throw just because you pick Sombra is not something that should happen. The buffs I told you above would be more powerful at lower ranks and it would probably more nerf her then buff her in pro play and in that playstyle (which I really hate EMP bot is no fun to watch or to play).

And a lot of bugs is underestamating things: Even more Sombra Bugs in 1.26/1.27/1.28 [With Video's] - #2 by Inky-11160


While you may be able to use that excuse for some heroes, still, if the ability is “one of the strongest”, then it should be something a good portion of the roster should want it.

Lets look at an example: Storm Arrow. Pretty much every single DPS in the game would trade one of their powers for Storm arrow, whether it’s McCree, bastion, Genji or Pharah. And of course Sombra herself would trade hack for storm arrow in an instant. This is what a powerful ability looks like. Almost everyone wants it, because it’s just that damn good.

Yeah, you’re missing the big picture here. Sombra is the eternal double standard. People say hack is really powerful, but nobody wants it on their character. People say Sombra is great and powerful, but nobody wants Sombra on their team. Her pickrates say she’s F-tier, her winrates say she’s F-tier, yet still the myth persists that’s she’s somehow good and people want her either unchanged or nerfed.

It’s the annoyance bias. A character that’s more annoying will be the one people will hate and want nerfed. Look at when Overwatch first came out. Lucio was by far the #1 must pick, always-pick, but hardly anyone complained about him. Bastion, Genji and Mei were complained about all the time. Why? Because those two were far more annoying than Lucio, even though Lucio had the most impact of any character and was used in nearly 100% of high-level matches.

If you ever want to see Sombra clearly, you need to look past the annoyance bias. Instead of considering a Sombra on the enemy team, consider one on your own. What changes would Sombra need such that you wouldn’t consider someone taking Sombra to be a bad pick on your own team?


Well Yes agreed but she needs other buffs.

You know that Discord doesn’t disable the enemy’s abilities for 6s, right?


Sombra’s damage is actually fine. Considering she has the best ability in the game, that literally shuts down other abilities. I don’t think she needs a damage buff. People just need to learn to actually hit their target.

Pro tip:

Add 10-15% damage to any hitscan hero by aiming better.

But honestly, a small reduction in her spread would do better for her than a straight damage buff.

Even if we assume that Discord, Flashbang, and Junkrat trap lead to death more often, Hack is still eons better. Why? Because power isn’t just about killing things, even for a DPS.

Hack lets Sombra remove Heroes as threats with far less time and effort than it takes to kill them. A quarter of the cast is basically dead while Hacked (Reinhardt, Doomfist, Lucio), and another half can’t do their jobs (D.Va, Pharah, Brigitte). If a team comp depends on a Hero who ends up getting Hacked, then it’s not a team comp anymore.

Those abilities you’re comparing make Heroes easier to kill, but so does Hack. Better yet, Hack quickly and easily accomplishes the goal of killing Heroes: to remove a threat. Hack is so powerful that Sombra’s entire kit is designed around enabling it. Stealth to reach the right targets at the right time, Translocator to survive attempts, EMP to reliably get the effect on at least one target.

Other Heroes may not want to trade their abilities for Hack because they don’t have the tools to use it - that’s apples and oranges. But in a vacuum, Hack is more powerful by far.

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Yeah because hack isn’t oppressive enough right?

You cannot say this, if you follow it with:

She. Was. Not. Meta.

Ever. There was fear of a Sombra meta, but a hero isn’t meta when their winrate and pickrate rapidly and steadily declines. If you want to be believed to be a voice of reason, you cannot cite incorrect information lmao.


Then your accuracy isn’t as good as you think :slight_smile:

People need to realise, a Sombra meta would be terrible for this game. She dosen’t need any buffs. She’s not Tracer is she? So stop acting as if she should do the same amount of damage. She hacks her target, then kills them when they are weak. I have great games as Sombra, you all just need to learn to aim.


People hate every Meta there is non that all will like. But I agree Sombra should never become to much meta but she should be a viable pick in the right hands.

She does she needs buffs to her Consistancy her Teamplay’ability and usefullness in teamfight’s

No She is not. I know the OP is about it but most long-time Sombra players don’t want her DMG to be buffed It’s understandable that newer Sombra player want because if you first Start her DMG just feels horrible as soon as they get used to it most of them don’t want dmg buffs anymore either.

The problem on that Logic is that there are only a few characters that Sombra can kill security after hack her Utility is not worth the DMG you lose in teamfights.

Yea most Sombra 1v1 come down to who has better aim but if your hack does not get though the enemy has the advantage and she still has other problems:

  • Hard to play with as a Team
  • Inconsistent
  • Bad in team fights without EMP

These can be fixed with:

  • Skulls over hacked enemies
  • Bug fixes
  • Increase of her base speed

This will not make her strong it will make her barely fine and that is where her place is when talking about balanced.

Apples to Oranges, The good old Sombra double standard at work. Nobody else would touch hack as an ability with a 10 ft pole, but it’s incredible, because trust me. Sure it doesn’t kill anyone, but it annoys someone for 6 whole seconds?! What’s that about storm arrow being able to nearly instantly vaporize Reinhardt with zero teamwork required? Oh no, hack is much stronger. Why you ask? Because Apples to Oranges, that’s why!

Sombra is an incredibly powerful hero with a ton of potential… on the enemy team. Forget all those stats about her winrate or her pickrate placing her at the bottom of F-tier. Those stats don’t matter because she can be sitting invisible undetected the whole match, waiting for that perfect opportunity… and maybe out of nowhere I’ll be inconvenienced for 6 seconds, being able to only move, attack and jump. The horror! I can barely play an FPS if all I can do is move, attack and jump! I’m horrifically crippled.

But apples to oranges… When she a friendly Sombra on my team… she’s trash, she’s a throw pick, now all those stats matter. Do you even know what her winrate is?! Nobody wants her. All she does is waste time doing nothing while cloaked. Come on Sombra, do some actual damage! Kill someone! Yes I know all I did was whine when you were hacking me on the other team about how OP and annoying you were, but apples to oranges, you’re on my team now and now you’re trash and should switch, because you know, I want to win this game and Sombra isn’t about winning.

What? Maybe we should buff her so she’s a useful teammate? Hell no! We all know that the stats are wrong and she’s really super powerful! I still don’t want her on my team though… But we can’t buff her, then she might be meta at the pro level! Right, we don’t want her being meta. But Rein and Zen have been meta forever, we don’t have a problem with that? Apples to oranges, it’s Sombra, and we have to keep holding her back.


I don’t think you know what the phrase “apples and oranges” means.


Kill the healer first, dummy.