Let’s not get ahead of ourselves

Why should we? Sombra is still bugged and unplayable.

Yea, because reacting angrily to good change is gonna inspire the devs to roll out any good changes ever.

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You bring up a good point, they could easily charge us money to play new maps, new characters, real life money could be the only currency to purchase cosmetics, etc.

We are pretty lucky that we get everything for free tbh.


Are you ridiculous? People paid for the game. It was pushed as an online game with features so of course they have to still work on the game. They earn most of their money from loot boxes, LOL. Why would anyone buy them from a dead game that was not continually updated?

I swear people like you are the problem with the game industry. You allow game developers to get away with murder and think nothing of throwing away hard earned money on half-arsed projects.

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… howbout we just say thank you and not complain about things we get that we’ve wanted either?

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It isnt luck. It is smart consumers with standards who refuse to accept less than what is owed. Which is why games like Battlefront 2 shot itself in the foot.

You buy loot boxes for cosmetics you want. Anything else is extra. You don’t even have to buy loot boxes to get most of the cosmetics either. Atleast overwatch hasn’t broken every new map into a dlc you have to buy like almost every other game.

This thing they added isn’t a critical part of the game or ever promised. Again it’s a qol they decided would be nice. But they can never please you can they?

People paid $40/$20 for a game that is updated endlessly. Other games would charge you for every new thing released. You would be charged for every single skin. But you get them for free and you still complain about it. You are the problem with the game industry. Not the devs. I didn’t let EA get away with their Star Wars fiasco or The Sims 4. The devs are not the problem. It’s you thinking you deserve infinite reward for paying $40/$20 when you wouldn’t get that from any of the other games that work off of similar systems.

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Loot boxes are an optional feature; You do NOT have to purchase them. I’ve been playing games since you had to use floppy disks hon and let me tell you, Overwatch is an AMAZING VALUE for the content they are providing for free. I can’t think of a single game you can buy for $40 that gets you so much constantly updated content, new heroes, new maps, new games, skins, sprays etc. And you don’t even have to buy lootboxes, they give you plenty of opportunities to earn them at a fairly ample rate. Frankly, if you think Overwatch is somehow ‘too expensive’ or you got ripped off, just try and remember that you spent the ONE TIME amount of $40. That is literally 8 Starbucks Frappacinos. Get a little perspective.

If people think Sombra is not viable, then what the heck is Bastion?

Oh right, everyone forgot he even exists (including the devs).

You raise a good point, but at the same time I can’t say I necessarily agree. The thing is, Overwatch doesn’t come with a single-player campaign the same way other mainstream FPS shooters do, and so it’s critical for the continued success of the game that the devs continue churning out new content and fixes. After all, if it’s marketed at the price of a normal game you’d expect it too.

I think it’s to Blizzard’s credit that they didn’t go down the path of EA’s Battlefront reboot misadventure. Still, though, I think there should be an acceptable expectation that continue to tweak OW, especially in light of how they’re trying to build an eSports legacy around it.

I feel like it’s becoming a trend to release a half made game and then tweak it constantly. Adding here and there. Diablo 3 was released and it was literally a shell of a game. They did make it into a masterpiece though. Years down the road. I know it takes time to do every little thing that they do. I look at it as a work in progress. It’s still pretty amazing. Excited to see where it goes.

Let’s not forget that this game was basically a last ditch effort to make something in time for E3 essentially. Seeing as the game it WOULD have been got scrapped, they had to throw together something in a relatively short amount of time.

With that having been the stress on their shoulders, it’s honestly not too surprising they’re still testing the waters.

But I would be lying if I didn’t express my concern and distaste for some of their choices.

Come on guys Jeff said that they have been working on these systems for a long time in order for them to be perfect so take it easy. Plus people should really stop making post complaining or saying they are quiting. I know its to blow out some steam but most of don’t really care that a specific person is quitting (not trying be rude rn but this is how the internet works). OP you can’t really compare ana and mercy, because they are so different. Mercy is a mobile and really reliable main healer that has rez (wich boost her pickrate) and ana has extremely low mobility but is a good main healer and her kit has a lot of value. Dive wasn’t good for Ana but on my main I play a lot of ana and from my expirience so far she is good in the current meta (at least at high masters level).
BTW mercy is one of the easiest heroes to pick up but she is harder to get value off the higher rank you are. Briggite and lucio are easier to get value out off.
Hope this post doesn’t sound offensive, that wasn’t my intention :slight_smile:


At least it’s here. Let’s be honest, you must’ve enjoyed this game to still be playing it 2 years later, despite these features not being included. You sound ridiculous continuing to whine when they finally delivered on something the community wanted.

If you’re so “done with this game” and impatient then can you just go already? What this game needs is less negativity and less complaining.

Leave then…see you never. :smile:

Yeah but the updates are sloppy with no effort or thought put into them.

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It has been over a year since Bastion was Mentioned or otherwise even addressed by the Devs… :confused:

Still here.
Still waiting…

Fitzy would disagree.
She suffers from the same phenomenon as Junkrat before. The Mob says she isn’t viable, so therefore nobody tries to actually git gud with her … circular cause effect kind of deal.

Not saying she doesn’t need tweaks. Her 9001 bugs definitely need fixing.