Leavers need lose 500SR per leave in comp

The leavers will be so low and no one will have to put up with them. Harsher punishments is needed

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ah yes, nothing like making deranking easier


Then they can derank fast and hang down very very low.
Any better ideas are appreciated :rofl:

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and they can leave 2 games and be 1k sr lower. this solution literally only serves to benefit smurfs and make the experience objectively worse for people who have an internet outage or crash once a season.


If every individual only could have 1 account then no side throw account would be awsome.
Internet outage sucks yeah .

Wait here better idea. If you leave role que comp 3 times in season then youre locked out and can only play open que comp.
What think of that idea?

even that wouldnt stop the people who actually want to smurf. its so laughably easy to throw without it being obvious that fear of being banned is non-existent.

thats a better solution but I think a flat amount isnt the way to do it. the best solution would be a certain amount within a given timeframe, say 3 within a week or two. that way you can better detect leaving vs dcing.
it isnt perfect but it would reduce malicious leaving without being too harsh on those who are having internet issues that week

You do realise this effects everyone in a negative way, right? Smurfing becomes a lot easier and normal non-smurfs are forced to smurf because of 1-2 connection issues. Then match quality overall drops like crazy.

Honestly I just think implementing longer bans, not necessarily changing season bans because they are kinda just not fun for anyone really but bans like a week or something like that. Thing is these people really don’t care about SR. But they do want to play the game like everyone else. So they need to find a balance where normal players don’t get hit with super harsh penalties (long/season bans) but actual leavers will. 3 is definitely not that number though. The problem with it is that 2 disconnects in a season is understandable. Basically you’re playing the game with 11 other people and lets say the season takes approximately 2 months what you are now averaging is having a leaver in your game once every 2-3 days with everyone disconnecting the maximum amount. That sounds great right? Now consider the amount of disconnects will fluctuate and everyone who gets that third one are automatically season banned.

I’d say keep the system same until like 3-4 disconnects because again that’s still very understandable if you are having an unlucky season. After that though should come harsher punishments. Something ranging from say, a day to like two weeks. Now frequent leaver won’t want to leave after the 3-4 times because of harsh punisments and most of even the unluckiest people with many power outages and disconnects will only hit a one day ban. Season bans should stay as a last resort since they shouldn’t be thrown around lightly.

SR penalties are unintelligent. Leavers should be forced to complete and win a number of QP matches in order to get back into comp. This would significantly reduce leavers (because leavers are fine with deranking and a minimal timeout) while maintaining the integrity of a ranking system. Nobody likes chores. Sure, they could just log onto another account, but they’ll be buying a new account every time they leave unless they go back and complete their mandatory QPs.

Surely green text man will be here to disagree and leave promptly.


i hadn’t seen anyone suggest giving them a required win count as a chore before but it sounds effective

I can see you coming back with a “I got a DC and lost 500SR?? Seriously!?” post.


do you know how much 500 sr derank actually cost? You will ruin a whole industry!