Leavers are so annoying

I enjoy this game and I mostly play in unranked but I really despise the unranked leavers. Everytime I want to join in a game is either a spot filled or someone leaves in the middle of the fights. I hate it and is annoying when people leave makes me want to leave. Why can’t unranked have the same penalties as comp mode. Also this doesn’t apply for those who have bad internet it can happen to anyone I am saying those who leave during games because either the teams aren’t performing as they expected.

There are many ways to avoid the toxicity and enjoy the game but I hate that leaving the game with no consequences is consider an option and the only thing that affects them is their endorsements, who cares about endorsements? At least make them wait get into a game for 10 mins penalty or something to not make these players leave the game and make them play and try to turn things around. If people get really toxic we can mute the chats, but if they perform poorly and purposely lose, that is a great tactic to ban or penalized these players on the spot. :confused:

There is not even a report option for leavers either.

The daily and weekly challenges encourages people to leave because they want to win and be done with the game. Also for comp, servers still disconnected people at times.