Leave Mercy Alone

I see people are starting to pick at Mercy again. Just because she is well balanced and consistent doesn’t mean she is over powered.

It’s the other supports that need work, not her.

She can heal through barriers okay? Who told the devs to remove Moira’s ability too and you can’t say its a bug because its been here for several season and all of a sudden it has to go? I didn’t see a single complain about it.

Yes Mercy has

Consistent healing
Great mobility
An E skill that is now balanced
And a good ult (yes I said it)

Don’t blame Mercy for being over powered because she isn’t.

It’s obvious people just hate that she’s too perfectly balanced and that the other supports arn’t as good. Well? Then what needs fixing then the other supports. It’s okay to attack 1 hero just because the devs failed to male the other supports as good as mercy.

All the other supprts have so many problems

Trash verticle mobility even though she’s a sniper and the devs show cased her on top of the builiding in temple of anubis (any dev care to explain why she is there and not on the ground. She can’t even get up there during a team fight so why the false advertisement. I mean the devs clearly want her to scope at rein’s behind since that’s the only place she is safe at, that sleep dart, oh my lord it’s a hit or miss situation. They can’t even reduce the cooldown of it by 50% if she misses so she can atleast have a fighting chance)

The clonkiest left click ever, you’ll be lucky if you hit people with 2 of those pebbles

Zen: hmm… he’s just too squishy he needs some more skills like a temporary shield buff aura like wrecking ball cause he’s lunch for flankers (your team may not always have a brigitte)

Brigitte: Another hero that is okay for now or I may be wrong, but I don’t see anything wrong at the moment after 5 years they finally fixed her (a little)

Moira: She was okay just needed a slight damage nerf like %2 so the dps moira’s can stop. Some can even say she could compete with Mercy. Why can’t she heal through barriers anymore? Only god knows. (and no it’s can’t be a bug I don’t believe it because you mean to tell me it’s been a bug for this long and now you decide to fix it now after how many seasons but you can fix other bugs right? ) It’s like they want Mercy to be considered op so someone can play the blame game. If the devs have any sense at all. They’ll allow her to heal through them again. Because Mercy can and it’s the reason she’s getting attacked right now.

See how many things are wrong with the other heroes? But I didn’t have a single complaint for Mercy it’s not her fault she’s so well rounded look at all the problems wrong with the other heroes but yet people still blame Mercy.

Wake up people, wake up.

That’s all, thanks for the read.


31 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018