Leave button deleted

So its effectively same as alt+f4 right?

Not everyone who leaves does so by clicking Leave Game. Unintentional disconnects happen.

Well yes but topic was about removing “leave game”

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Kinda. I don’t know how it functions exactly but for example I had a game of Black Ops zombies solo paused (It only truly pauses on solo mode and that way I could out and come back to it) but my girlfriend was watching stuff on Netflix. When I reopened the game it was like I had never had it open and restarted the entire title animation. I think it only actively runs one program (or at least one game) at a time since that’s realistically all you’ll be using at once.

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It should be definitely changed for teams without leavers as you can leave without time ban and with only - 25 loss even when your team has all players

It’s two years early for sword art online.

if they unplug it takes a lot of time to turn on
at least on ps4 cause it needs to check and warn you about the dangers of unplugging and the data might get corrupted

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If someone gives me a good enough reasons to leave I’ll alt+f4, turn off my computer, or just walk away and get AFK kicked. Removing the button will do nothing.

Even with Open Queue available, I’m still seeing 10+ minute Role Queue waiting times. That’s exasperated greatly when leavers decide to bounce…

Why is this game 4 years old and has NOT IMPLEMENTED a replacement system in Comp??? This is a no-brainer. I can only speculate that Blizzard hasn’t put any effort into this because they COUNT on your losses and grief in order to keep you in the game, playing more to break even after a string of leavers, smurfs, trolls, derankers, etc. Their meta data probably suggests that the more annoyed / frustrated / angry you get, the higher likelihood of you purchasing a 2nd account. There has to be a financial reason or a time-sink reason as to why they haven’t fixed this yet. This should’ve been a Comp Day 1 fix.

This is not any different from snow shovel manufacturing companies that purposely only use 1 screw to hold the shovel onto the handle. They know it’ll only last a season, maybe 2, and they know it’s a shoddy product and it will break. Digital built in obsolescence and cyclical consumption FTW!

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Woah there
i so get it

alt+f4 can be disabled by the devs

That’s not true at all. That’s a command from the computer itself to close the current program, nothing on the game’s end could stop that, even if they could you can just do the same thing through task manager or turn off your computer/turn off your internet.

Ctrl+W also works like Alt+F4

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Me too.

that works for everyone even on PC


Tell that to Hi-Rez who disable it on their games.

Doubt it. Even then task manager can shut down anything running on a computer.

Just have a hotkey script setup to restart your computer.

Task manager aint Alt+f4

Still shuts down the program and lets you “leave” the game. That’s the important part of the argument towards OP.

I dont now what to tell you man. I used to alt-f4 out of Hirez games. Then one day I couldn’t. After unrelated system resets and reinstallation of the games. Still couldn’t. So it’s either they were disabeling it, or alt-f4 is a myth to begin with.