Least skill heroes?

…really? I think most people believe Hammond is a make or break hero. Either you carry or unintentionally throw (Sadly). Almost the same with Winston

This is some blasphemy.

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Doom not only requires basic mechanical skill like projectile aim and game sense, but also you have to know many tech’s for optimal maneuverability and the most effective way to chain his CD’s together with maximum effect.

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I play a ton of Winston and Doomfist. At the basic level, all Winston is is Jump in (with good judgement). Shield dance. Jump out. Rinse and repeat. Maybe a bit of an oversimplication, but that’s the gist of it.

Doomfist is that, but more complicated. You have to make sure his abilities land, and you have three cooldowns to manage. And you have a primary fire that takes some aim. And you have far less health. Once CC often means certain death.

I don’t play as much Hammond, admittingly. But he has a lot more survivability than Doomfist.

Not hook, getting the hook confirm. His massive spread is WHY it is hard.

indeed they are bias and i have some Facts to back this up than just saying she has “forgiving weapon than any other tracking hero”.

a reminder to those who says zarya’s beam is more skilled than symm, this was the patch on august 2019 when symm was deemed OP because of double barrier meta.

and people have the audacity to say her beam is forgiving second only to moira and some even claim they main symm when they dont even know this very info is appalling in my opinion.


Maybe it’s just me, but I definitely feel landing mad hooks is the only mechanically challenging thing Hog has going on. Otherwise it’s all shield break, positioning and mind games with enemy flankers with him.

Yeah, I agree, but that still puts him above most heroes that do not even have something like madlad hooks. There are only a handful of genuine high mechanic heroes.



That doesn’t mean all of these players are bad, but they definetly recquire less effort than other heroes to get the most out of them.

My opinion:

Lowest skill floor:
Tanks: Roadhog
DPS: Torb/Sym
Support: Moira/Baptiste/Lucio

A combo of all 3? Probably Moira.

Ball. Mercy. Echo.

Those are characters I hate the most, and I therefore think are skilless.

Its very akin to Winston. Doomfist’s attack combos all lead into one another and set-up with fixed knockback. You are pretty much looking at guaranteed damage. Its up to you after that to be smart about when to use them.

I do not consider the ‘when and where’ to use a hero to be that much talent based because that statement is true for literally every character in the game. The talent from awareness is a bit more unique because different characters have varying amounts of details to track. An Ana that is the team’s only hitscan against Pharah and its strongest healing source (compared to Lucio) is able to demonstrate awareness much more reliably than a Lucio.

Which is false. Nothing he does is mechanically difficult.

Orisa, Sigma, D.Va, Zarya, and Wrecking Ball all require more mechanical skill.

Not necessary to play Roadhog and is needed by every hero.

Its a combo anyone can pull off. It would be like saying that Mercy is difficult because she has superjump.

Yeah ok.

An thats because of how easy they are and can’t go beyond a few button presses to optimize. AT a base level playing them is easy, hence they are 1 star difficulty heroes.

Guaranteed this is either:
A-Troll thread.
B-Op and his “friends” are clueless on how to play the game.
C-All of the above.

Saying Doom is no skill says all I need to hear on your level of “skill” in this game.

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Eh, not for me. I very rarely miss the hook one-shot combo.

Doomfist requires a lot of mechanical skill as well as discipline.

to me easy to pick heros - bastion, reaper, hog, brig moira mercy they still require a lot of learning to get gud and win consitently with them but they are easier to pick up.

No I do mean it. every character is different so no two characters require the same type of skills so id say that there is no way to determine who requires more skill than another character does.

Honestly, Mei.
It’s not hard at all to freeze someone. And when you do, you can easily just stand still and get a free headshot. Plus, her ultimate is so busted that you can get frozen outside the ring.

Brig requires good positioning.
Widow requires good aim.
Mercy requires good decision making.

Moira requires a bit of each, but doesn’t have to master any of those to be played decently.
Even with every character requiring different skill sets… some heroes still require less skill than others.