Latency Increasing Yearly

Every year same setup latency has increased. Originally was under 25ms now lucky to get near 50ms. I noticed all traffic use to go to NYC now goes to Chicago. Is there any plans to get the east coast servers turned back on?


There have only been two US servers for more than 10 (15?) years. One is in Chicago and one is in Los Angeles. The only thing hosted in New York is a content delivery node when you update/install games.

To clarify, there used to be the USE1 datacenter for large patch events but never for long-term use. I posted details in this thread:

Large patch events and content delivery nodes are the same thing, to avoid confusion in the thread.

Is this right? I remember when my lat was around 35 - 40 now it’s over 50+ and I’m east coast. Blizz needs to up their game spend some money on hardware so the games are smoother.

7 out of 10 times when I play arcade and it’s a flop game I’ll bail and then get put into a game on the west coast and ping is way over 90+ then so I have to leave that game too.

Four years ago they combined the PNG and RTT stats for a new measure called LAT. The new value is a bit higher than the original Ping stat.

But yes, I am 100% confident there is no East Coast datacenter that hosts games. Over time, your ISP can change your route without consulting or informing you. They may not even be using the same routing partner as when you started playing.

I guess it is what it is, they got their money from us and they don’t charge us sub rates like they do with wow so I guess it could be worse.

Not sure what you mean??? They didn’t change anything about the servers, they just combined two display values into one.

Interesting information though as for any other triple a game I still can get the same connection I got five to ten years ago which is sub 30ms. OW is the only game that each year the latency has increased.

That’s good, but none of the games are hosted in the same place. So you might be closer to the servers for other games you play.

The issue is OW is the only one year after year latency has increased. I can go to the same Ark or Battlefield server that has been around for five plus years and connection latency has not changed. Only way I had sub 30ms for two to three years after launch in OW must have been the server in NYC. Not to even get on the topic that estimated server tick rate is now around 20 which is also a huge wtf.

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Well, depending on where you live, and what NA server you’re connecting to, that still makes sense to me. For instance, due to rank, I am often placed on LA servers, despite living closer to Chicago. There are just more people playing in my rank on LA, is what that tells me. And since I have to be routed THROUGH Texas, the latency has picked up at that spot in the list of hubs used to make the connection possible. Texas’ storms, floods, etc., have done bad things to their internet infrastructure.

So you are saying the game priority is rank over quality connection? That should be the other way around. If they are doing this then the players need to demand every player in matches also needs to have their latency next to their name. Sorta weird they already don’t do this as games have been doing that for 20 years now in online matches. Also setting a max latency requirement would be nice with warning matches could take longer to find.

If no one in your rank is playing on the closest server, then yes. They aim for a ping 85ms or below. The game is designed to run smoothly around that ms.

Nothing is designed around a certain latency. Other then lower is better and higher is worse. This is 15 years of IT experience talking. If they are telling people that is fine then they must be gas lighting cause everyone not just techs use to know that.

Favor the attacker is Overwatch’s game design tech that accounts for the ping of the person shooting. That’s why Hanzo or Soldier can seemingly shoot around corners easily at 145ms+. There are countless videos demonstrating this on YouTube, take a few moments to research on your own instead of taking my word. Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

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