Lack of protection from toxic players

OK, here’s an idea: How about setting up a front to protect the people with autism spectrum playing this game from being harassed in-game? If there’s not an easier way to leave spawn without a Doomfist, Widowmaker, Torb, Symmetra, or S:76 standing around its doors constantly until the AFK timer kicks you off the game, then obviously, it’s Overwatch that has a bullying problem. Don’t get me started on the Brigitte. Do you realize how frustrating it is?

How about recognizing that there are players with this condition and offer up some assistance out here in the trenches?

Do you mean besides not joining VC and team chat by default?

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  1. Every spawn has multiple doors to exit.
  2. Spawn camping sucks but isn’t toxic.
  3. The game shouldn’t be made easier just because a small percentage find it to be difficult.
  4. Don’t know what spawn camping has to do with being toxic to autistic people specifically???

We do have the tools to deal with harassment. You can mute/block players and report them.

Or just not join chat system at all, like Hyphen said.

Edit: Ah, you’re complaining about spawn camping. I didn’t quite understand that part. Well, why is having autism relevant in that case? It sucks for everyone, but as someone said … you can avoid it. Group your team together and make a push out of another door, for one.

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  1. People don’t know that you have autism unless you tell them outright.
  2. Autism is a very broad thing that can’t really have any automatic measures for it.
  3. Having autism doesn’t mean that you’re worse at the game by default.

And this:


I mean at some point you have to take responsibility and say “OK, this game triggers my condition too much, I shouldnt play it”.
If your concern is about the team chat or voice, sure. If it is about basic game play mechanics … then no. Not much room for improvement there.


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