Lack of Pharah in Mercy short story disappoints me

It’s a joke my dude, everybody makes fun of the “I need healing” Genji meme

Not the mention the whole “healslt and dddy” thing… I swear it’s always Genji and Mercy duos :nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

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Gotta hand it to those Mercy’s though for being so committed to pocketing their Genji they’re willing to go on constant suicide missions.

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“She was his queen and crazier than him, and God help anyone who dared boop her away while rezzing him”

I think I realize why Genji/Mercy being a thing in the lore always made me cringe. It’s because they’re the go-to avatars for straight e-couples :sneezing_face:

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“It’s because they’re the go-to avatars for straight e-couples”
I am sorry to say it but I don’t understand what you mean there. Mei you say it more clearly? Thank you.

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I… really don’t know how to explain it besides I see a lot of couples that play Overwatch together and the girl tends to play as Mercy and the boy plays as Genji (i mean you can only tell their sex if they use voice-chat, of course), and the Mercy only heals/damage boosts him and nobody else which is obviously a detriment to the team if he’s not a particularly good Genji player, and in the past I’ve run into some pretty toxic ones… there was this one Genji/Mercy duo that got into an argument in the middle of a game on the voice chat bc she used rez on the rein instead of him

but anyways, I know that has nothing to do with lore, those just happen to be the characters these… types of people are prone to playing lol.

This video might also help a little

What? I don’t… like legend of korra… kicks copy of Ruins of the Empire under my bed

why is that video so accurate though omg


Tbf people also complain about Pharmercy duos where the Mercy only heals the Pharah, but it does come off as more cringe when it’s a straight couple doing it as Mercy and Genji.

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ur right… but I have a double standard towards pharmercy, at least I can admit it though :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t PharahMercy duo be cringe if lesbians play them? It can, everything can be cringe. People are as different as many humans are on Earth.


lesbians are never cringe… they are more powerful than god himself

(okay, I don’t want to get suspended again lol. dont take me seriously. Yes, anyone can be cringey. It just depends on your point of view)

Yes, it depends what we experienced personally. Standard life procedure. Anyway, better move on from this cringe and joke topics to the main post topic. But I don’t have anything more to add to it so I leave it to others.

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For me, I see Sniper + Mercy duo appear more than PharMercy duos now.

Genji usually premades with Ana or Mercy or both for nano-boosts, Valkyrie ult allows Mercy to keep up with Genji and her ult is like budget version of nano boost due to 30% extra damage/pocket healing. Stacking both damage + nano boost makes Zen’s Transcendence useless on defending squishy teammates.

In higher tiers, Snipers are very oppressive. When combo with Mercy’s damage boost, Widow/Ashe rifles became Railguns, Hanzo can one-shot squishy & bust Tanks/Shields with Storm arrows. With pocket heals, they’re almost untouchable from low burst damage. In some maps, there’s no way to dive on Snipers who stood miles away from action and their sole counter is having a better Sniper.

What really bugs me is when Mercy flies in the middle of enemies to rezz her precious duo friend and ends up feeding. Thanks to her, my team is going 4 vs 6 without a main healer.

I think I get it now guys, Captain Fareeha “Pharah” Amari is so alpha, such a chad, that people feel threatened that, if she appears in any story if not he own, she will hog all the attention and affection.

Or that Mercy is one of those emperors’ daughters, that can’t even look at people that aren’t old, maids, eunuch, or else she would instantly fall in love with them.

Hey, I figured this would interest you: about 6 days ago someone commented on Jen Cohn’s instagram post expressing their disappointment that Pharah did not show up in Valkyrie, and Jen replied: “Ehh… I’m sure I’ll show up somewhere…:grin::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:” I think that was her way of teasing something is coming for Pharah… eventually xD It gives me hope at least!!


Pharah after half the world is destroyed and OW has lost all hope: “What’s up guys I was ice fishing”

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Well who else was gonna get fish for the fish tacos at the 25th Annual Overwatch Reunion Dinner Banquet? Definitely not Reinhardt, you saw his half of the spray!!:triumph::triumph:

also he’ll probably be dead by then tbh


Pharah flinging fish at the omnics: “SALTINES RAIN FROM ABOVE”

Hopefully Pharah will have something good in the future. I saw Jen Cohn in previous year in one of the comic con and she’s awesome.

When it comes to Amari family, I feel like Ana took Pharah’s spotlight. Ana received much more lore from Blizzard and love from the community. Well Ana is a healer while Pharah is a DPS, and healers tend to get more love from the community.