Lack of MMR reset is lazy and ridiculous

To be honest i managed to climb from deep bronze to low gold as dps.

Because I can’t imagine a valid argument for them not resetting mmr over a period as long as two years. Can you? If so I’ll reconsider my opinion.

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Lack of MMR reset prevents people with GM skill from playing with people of Bronze skill.

Believe me, that would be a fustercluck lasting weeks, perhaps months. We do not want that.


Not everyone is coming back after two years of break. And how much of the community would benefit from SR reset? 10% max? 90% of the community will be frustrated because low golds who don’t even know how to push will be in high plat matches.


Actually a lot, we could start by the obvious :
An MMR reset is not going to make you climb by magic.

MMR resets are like flipping the tables and throwing 200k pieces of the puzzle together and starting over : The picture is not changing mate.


It won’t be that bad. Only 1% chance of that happening. The problem lies elsewhere. Most people are in gold and plat. And every 200 SR or so is an entirely different elo. Especially given the quality of tanks in those two elo? People will be back after 2 weeks where they were. Worst part of this community: can’t accept the fact that they might belong in the elo they are currently in.

People complain about elo hell and whatnot. If you get to see their gameplay? You’d think matchmaking is too lenient in boosting people after role que. Including me who is nowhere near a masters dps.


there are millions of players with varying skill levels, lumping them all into one pile would result in really poor match quality for months on end, it is not a good idea at all.

LoL did a soft reset at the beginning of S9 and they had to reset it again because match quality was so poor in diamond+ (OW equivalent of masters+) that people were just playing less, people were shooting up to ranks they didn’t belong in, etc.

Think of something like comp DM where T500 players were being placed plat and it was a big mess for a while, i had an account at 3.2k that placed around 2.7k in deathmatch and my placements had pro players in them, even though i am nowhere near their skill level, even saw some golds/plats in my games…that’s basically what we’d get, but instead of a trivial solo mode that means nothing it’s in the actual competitive playlist where you have to work with a team.

God forbid you play the game a few rounds for the mmr to catch up after your two year break. It takes about 10-15 games for the system to adjust, but yeah, let’s destroy matchmaking for everyone because of your minor inconvenience.


It’s simply not needed.

^the comments address why it’s a bad idea.

MMR and SR reset should absolutely be done to accounts that have been inactive for years.

Conversely we shouldn’t have to do more than 1 or 2 placements if we just played the entire season last season

Maybe they will reset it when there is no one left playing.
I really don’t get this stubbornness from blizzard.
While some ppl are getting hard stuck, the pros are getting bored on the top and just go smurfing. If the pros are really that good, they will just climb again and will actually have something to do.

The only reason not to do it is if their system is really faulty and they don’t want it to get exposed. I mean we are talking about the same ppl who added hidden profiles and hid groups to swipe under the rug bad matchmaking.

it will help alot more then that. and they should reset mmr for reason of people leaving. there have been to many times a person smurf is higher mmr then there main. im one of them who has that problem.

From the devs:


Unfortunately it’s not the case with everyone. Imagine an MMR reset for a 1600 SR tank and a 3200 SR tank. Both play same heroes and start their matches in 2400 and mmr adjusts itself. It’ll take like 32 matches for both players to reach their deserved elo. I can’t do the math in my head but it’ll ruin so many matches that it’s not even funny. Especially given how toxic people become after someone plays badly in one round.

i do believe that if can happen with most ppl who have been playing for a long time

There was a bug that did something like that but it screwed up literally everything in ranked so it’s not a magical cure all for your rank up woes.

Also what Dalas120 said in comment 15

We’ve been seeing it for years with smurf accounts. How would this be any different? Besides, the devs keep telling us that people will rapidly rise to their level, so no problem, right?

It would be awful for an MMR reset to happen. Pros would be forced to re-climb back to GM/Top 500. It is possible that silvers could be matched against Kabaji, Pine or other pros, consistently until the pros regained their MMR status. But still, getting the pros MMR back would take months. Months of silvers getting stomped by professional players. Gold, silver and bronze would be unplayable, and most would quit. That is about half of Overwatch’s fanbase right there. Blizzard would lose so much money, pros would lose interest because it is too easy, and also quit. This leaves the people who stuck with it with awfully long queue times, no Overwatch League, no Overwatch streams, but most of all, we would all lose a game we love.

good analogy dude

I do not believe that looking for a job would be beneficial to the health of my sleep schedule.