Kiriko tp is crap

So . 2 days ago i got in ow to play afew games with a friend who just got into the game . Kiri is my 2nd fav supp in the game so thats what i was trying to do and i dont exaggerate when i say that MORE then half my tps didnt work …

Its either the classic crouching tank bug that wont allow you to tp at all or it sends you under the map OR afew others that are completely new to me

You either only tp half the distance towards your target , or it sends you waay above them in the air which so crap cus it makes it so much more difficult to tp on a ulting pharah and suzu her for example

Or in the last game i played , 3 diff times i tried to tp on someone i was sent in a completly diff spot like a diff room or way to the side either left or r , not too far away from them but enough for the tp to not matter anymore …

This is ridiculous . tbh i find it so funny they didnt fix this yet (they had more then enough time to do it ) AND that they keep working on new stuff without fixing their prev heroes …
Atm shes simply not reliable enough to be played in ranked gamea and i hate that

I lost count of the amount of times that i died or someone else died on my team simply because my tp wouldnt work …

wth is this blizz ?

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There are a few very common TP bugs. Blizzard is rewriting the ability so hopefully they will be fixed soon. They have been in the game for way too long.

If you are on a moving platform, payload, or KotH spawn exit ramp you can avoid TP’ing backwards by jumping before teleporting.

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Oh it’s a known bug. Swift Step is so buggy right now lmao


Deal with it just like we deal with all the other bugs.

NO . it should work exactly how its supp to . this isnt some minor bug . this literally kills the character

But it don’t…

Because it’s bugged…

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