Kiriko TP bugs forgotten?

I was expecting at least a fix for one of the many kiriko tp bugs in the midseason patch… but nothing, only a “melee animation doesn’t play” bug fix? Is anyone even working on fixing it or did they forget? Here is a reminder of all the bugs I know about, I might even be missing some

  1. can’t tp when they’re crouching
  2. tping to person above you will tp you high in the air
  3. tping to person below you can tp you below them, causing you to fall out of the map
  4. tping to someone when you’re standing on an object will cause you to tp to yourself and go backwards
  5. tping can sometimes tp you to someone not even close to where you were aiming the tp
  6. sometimes tp just doesn’t work (maybe the teammate is in a tight spot or something)

Please fix asap! I don’t know why these are still not fixed, it heavily disrupts gameplay!!! When anyone else can go out of bounds on the map they’re taken out of the characters and fixed very quickly.

“We are investigating an issue with Kiriko’s Swift Step not reaching teammates correctly”

-from Known Issues on Bug Report