Kiriko needs buffs

Which is why I’m nerfing that to cleanse only, it’s the reason she is picked over others.

Her average is 2.4k at gm t500 lobbies.

Lowest elims after mercy the hero that doesn’t shoot this is in gm.

So stop hyper ventilating.

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Her average is 4k min. Just look for example my stats on kiri or sirmajed

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She is statistically worse than other heroes in many areas carried by her suzu.

What rank you are, it’s possible to get high dmg games with her but her dmgg average over games will always be less. Also i can’t see profiles for some reason.

rank 1 kiriko peak season 2 finished rank 2

So proof and even then it doesn’t matter cause you would be a outlier and not the norm.

I’m also halfsure you are cutlapiram trolling on alts.

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Summary on Mercy’s Changes after Feb 7 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine xD

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You can check the leaderboard ingame brother

XD XD :laughing: kiriko mercy alliance approved.



my 2 fav healers

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bring it!!! hehehheh


can’t blame you there i guess that slow heal felt kinda bad at first like it was in slow motion.
But then i remembered why i picked her up in the first place…to farm heads XD

you have almost 7 k avg how do you do that :flushed: i can’t go higher than 4k
can i have a demo code pls

put some wrinkles on ur brain

Does Kiriko have a bad unmirrored winrate because she is bad? Why would her mirror rate be so high if she was?

Or could it be that unmirrored Kiriko has a poor win rate because she’s being used in comps/maps not suited to her (hence why only 1/4 supports wanted to pick her) or perhaps she’s only being picked out of desperation on teams that are already losing. And if they start winning, then the other team also gets a Kiriko for the same reason, and now it’s not an unmirrored Kiriko anymore.

i feel ya

i was a mercy main before kiri

and now mercy is cracked. she so good

broke up with kiri, best friends with mercy

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It has to be unmirrored wr i mean it’s Aaron telling it.But other than calling Aaron from my speed dial while he is sleeping now i have no way of verifying that.

She is bad cause see my first post she is the clunkiest support to swap weapons.

Even ana who has to do the most work to heal is more smooth cause it’s the same weapon and continuous flow.

The only reason kiriko meta happened is suzu.

I love Kiriko as is, I grinded so hard the first days just to get the mythic skin which I have now but I hardly play her cause I’m gonna be HONEST my aim is so awful

Alhonesty she’s feels meh to play even with a elite tier ult and Suzu being very good

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Buff her however she needs to be buffed, but only if her Suzu gets a wind-up to open counterplay and her kunai hit box is reduced to match Hanzo and Genji.

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Kiriko feels great to me. And I’m not the best with her either. I only average like 1.6k dmg and 9.6k heals per 10.

I’ve lost count of the number of times we were losing and all we needed was the Kiriko switch to turn things around.

I agree Kiriko is arguably one of the worst supports to carry on because her damage is bad, but she has a viable gameplay loop. My guess is her win rate is low because her pick rate is very high, and a lot of people probably aren’t leaning heavily into her optimal play-style.

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Well, she could use one more Kunai (15 is stupid) to make the heal shoot shoot rotation more sensible.