Killer with no damage?

Hi there, I’m working on a mode opposing Roadhog vs Sombra. Neither of them deal damage but when hooked Sombra is killed. My problem is, it appears I can’t set Hog as killer when he deals no damage to the Sombra, is that so ?
Thanks and pardon my French :pray:

How do you have it set up for Sombra to be killed by the hook?
Is it high damage/low HP or workshop actions, eg. Sombra Takes Damage & Event Damage = 30, Kill Sombra

rule("Death when Hooked")
		Ongoing - Each Player;
		Team 1;

		Has Status(Event Player, Stunned) == True;

		Wait(0.100, Ignore Condition);
		Loop If Condition Is True;
		Kill(Event Player, Players In Slot(0, Team 2));

What it does is nothing if damage dealt from Hog = 0 but works fine if damage dealt > 0

Here you are my friend :slight_smile:

Player Took Damage;
Team 2;

Event Damage == 30;
True == Is Using Ability 1(Attacker);

Kill(Event Player, Attacker);

Just set the Damage Dealt to really low and heal all of the damage dealt. When Damage Dealt is 0%, it means that a player can’t damage or kill anyone, even through Workshop actions like Damage and Kill.

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Thank you guys :+1:

So yeah it involves damage, I just wanted to be sure of that…

An interesting side note is that this won’t work if you turn “Headshots Only” on, because Roadhog hook can’t headshot