Kick MnK players out of lobbies

I love that cross play is here and people that put keyboards in before a game are put into the PC lobbies but there needs to be a way to stop them using their keyboards mid game too. All you have to do is wait a bit, get into a console pool game then plug your xim in and you’re set.

OW should have a system in place much like apex legends where if you plug a keyboard and mouse in whilst in a console lobby, you should be kicked out until either the game ends or you reconnect your controller and join back. TOP500 on console is swarming with just MnK players who just abuse the system and don’t ever get punished

Easier to get a mnk, no?

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Totally agreed. In Masters, MnK is so common that it feels like we’re on PC, but handicapped with a controller. It’s not fair to the console pool to use MnK, it’s gotta stop…

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I dont understand why consoles dont have native support yet. they’ve had the capability to do so since at the very latest xboxone and ps4, maybe earlier but I cant confirm that.


It’s really frustrating to play against MnK users. I think OW should just do what Apex Legends do. Full support for MnK users but they get put in PC lobbies and if they try to cheese the system to play against controller users they get banned.

Because apparently having this is too much. I really don’t understand the wait on this. I want to play against other controller people. If you wanna put a MnK in your game, play against PC people. Owning noobs by cheating the rules of your source (console) is stupid.

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It’s weird. I am kind of hoping that they will introduce this and input based lobbies with ow2.

The only solution is to give PC players access to auto aim.

It’s the only way!

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Isn’t the biggest selling point of xim that it basically looks the same for the console as a controller? Like, how can you tell someone is plugging in a xim and not another controller?

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you can’t. But anybody who would buy one to own the noobs if MnK became native as well… is throwing away money, for nothing. and if they get caught, really… how much fun would it be to mock them. No controller player is looking to go pro in this game, but the MnK users on console, might. Also if all games became MnK enabled on console, XIM would probably have to change their business model anyway, at least for that product.

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Not 100% for nothing. While the main benefit of being able to use a mouse and keyboard on console would be gone with native support, they’d get the aim assist controllers get if they use XIM since it appears as a controller input. They’d have to remove aim assist for controllers (which doesn’t mean much to me but maybe they want to keep that) along with native mouse and keyboard support in order to make XIM 100% obsolete.

agreed, there would still be people that use them. But it would be dramatically lower. And like I said, how fun would it be to call out those using them. I get it now, even though I would never do that… but if you’re MnK, you at least have a hope of being a pro, until you graduate to PC where FPS matters more. But some of us want to play pick up games without it.

And I play on PC sometimes with friends on a controller, but even then I don’t go for aim heavy heroes.

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