Kick back and enjoy the return of the Overwatch Summer Games!

:sunglasses: who thought making a competitive mode super RNG was good… odd

I guess it was to “encourage people to play” and alienate the people who actually love it


Guess if this is what you all consider content than I can see why players are leaving in the masses.


Y’all sleeping on the new Winston skin

i actually like ashe’s scope reticule now. its a bit more tighter/smaller and i like the brightness. feel like i aim better with this reticule

How is it RNG? Just play around the map.
Is playing Hollywood instead of Workshop expanse RNG?

How when there is 2? This isn’t Quick play and quick play classic or role queue and open queue.

This is a gamemode with a small playerbase and splitting it is DUMB. Especially a RANKED PLAYERBASE, which is ALREADY split into smaller ranks. It’d be horrendous to find a game on a good day let alone a bad one.

OR… people are just more likely to complain about something they don’t like than state they enjoy it. that’s literally the forums and what they’re for. 1/10 posts is positive and even when it is nobody cares. Positivity doesnt get clicks.

(COUGH) “Small playerbase” (COUGH)

Yeah, almost as DUMB as getting 99% of the playerbase to leave because they refuse to have accountability or even so much as acknowledge them. They took a “small” (it’s really not though) playerbase and killed off most of it. The only people who are playing this year are doing so for the event skins and quick xp, if even that.

Yeah cus a few thousand complaints means so much.
That is split across 3 regions.
6 ranks and 3 modes.

So large…

Strawman numbers.
YOu say your playerbase is large enough to complain and large enough to split between 2 comp modes but 99% left?

Accountability for what? Trying to make a gamemode a lot of people dislike and hadn’t changed in years less stale by adding simple geometry and map variety?
Why should they need to acknowledge a complaint thread?
You wouldn’t be happy even if they responded because it would be “no actually we have a lot of positive feedback”. If the feedback was as negative as you say then it would’ve been changed like so many other things in the game.

Like every year. Most people play like this every year at every new comp mode and thats why its so hard to find a game like 3 days after the event starts. The playerbase is small.

You’re right. But a large chunk of players DID leave, the point still stands, even without my hyperbole.

Yeah, there’s only one thread! You’re so right!
Accountability for the fact that they have a vocalized opposition to what they did, and that players have offered a MULTITUDE of solutions, but they can’t communicate to even let us know that they heard the issues? Plenty of other game companies can, but not OW team. Too hard of a task.

Funny, people like me who actually played the mode (which you clearly do not) never had trouble finding a game in comp. Queue times were nonexistent. Another great reason to keep it split. Let the casuals play casually, and let the people who want to be competitive be competitive. Why is that a difficult concept for you?

You have the classic “I’m not a part of a community and therefore it doesn’t exist!” going on. Now I understand how you’re able to take such a condescending view despite having shown that you have ZERO idea of anything you’re talking about. You’re just here because you feel the need to be a contrarian. Gotta have something to argue. Have fun with that, buddy!

Yeah, it should. Pretty incredulous of you to believe otherwise, honestly.

I more meant in terms of playerbase size, that is nothing.
Multiple can be from the same person.
It’s a small community.
It’s a subset of a subset.
Players of overwatch WHO ALSO come back for Lucioball WHO ALSO play competitive lucioball.

What about all the ones it gained? Wheres the 99% of players who hopped in and liked it? To use a hyperbole.

Oh wow! Like all the buff Sym and Genji threads mean so much!
I bet there’s more of both of them than complaints about Lucioball…

Everything these devs do has a “vocalised opposition” what makes this one special over a smaller mode and smaller part of the game that may not even be a majority and if it was wouldve had even larger backlash and likely revert the change.

Them confirming they heard is all you want? Because you know they heard. If that one thread is as big as you mentioned you know for a fact they saw it.
They’ll have heard the backlash if it was big enough to revert the change. They’ll have heard it if it was close.

Who cares if they heard it… it changes nothing.

Ok? And how is adding map variety for casuals?

Because there’s clear overlap and why create a queue time issue where there isnt one?

Clearly not when all I’ve said is it’s small and said the amount of complaints are even smaller.
Basically saying “only filthy casuals like the barriers” is stupid too y’know.
It’s a limited time mode that gets a lot of hate anyway, with 3 variants and comp wont be the most popular one.

Like what? that queue times could be an issue for a small mode and just because there isn;t an issue now doesn’t mean your terrible solution to a non problem wouldnt create one?

“everybody who disagrees with me with valid points is a contrarian”

Huh? That subset still have voices… and they are many. My point still applies.

It doesn’t when it’s applied as a counter argument to a point I didn’t even make.
Me: says the playerbase of the mode is small
You: but the have voices
ME: But that wasnt the point I made
You: but its valid

When its irrelevant to what I said.

I agree that Sym has not seen a new legendary in a while but Sigma has not gotten many even legendries either.
The rest have seen quite a few sure. I was happy to see a new Mei skin since she is my favorite character.

Ok, I’ll just remind myself your point doesn’t matter. Cool

but it’s “Summer Game” lol

Remove the maps you added last year from Comp Lucio Ball. TODAY!

I logged on just to buy the new Mei skin and now I feel like I completed the event. Overwatch!

Please bring back classic Copa Lucio!

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You know this game is in danger when barely anyone interacts with a dev post anymore

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