Keep getting "disconnected from blizzard servers"

i keep randomly getting kicked from “blizzard servers” while playing despite my internet being perfectly fine and my brother in the other room not being disconnected at all. My computers connection is fine as im in a discord call the entire time and my ping in game (before it disconnects me) is 30. wtf is going on???


Please check the forum for threads already opened about your same topic before creating a new one. Thank you :slight_smile:

they don’t care about your problem, you are a player, so that means we are meant to shut up and take whatever issues come our way and shut up, they get mad if you complain so be careful i lost 100 SR in ONE match that the server failed… ONE match, and they removed my posts because it makes them look bad, no help, only threats and condescending responses from blizzard, it’s their way.


bruh i also keep getting disconnected and even worse my screen randomly goes black and i have to restart the game despite having a ge force rtx 2060ti and a core i7

These two things are not related at all. I am still having this issue months later and i am trying to find the fix to this bug, it only started happening after b net forced an update on the launcher. Maybe try not being snarky and actually attempt to find a solution to the issues that plague your servers constantly. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I don’t work at Blizzard, and I don’t own their servers. I was giving the OP a polite reminder.

There are no current server issues. These are posted on Twitter when they arise.

If you have a connection issue, please start a new thread with your connection test.