K y'all had your fun, revert Genji and other ramblings

Way, way, WAY overtuned. He was average in GM, didn’t need buffs. Powercrept heroes needed nerfs. A numerically weaker Genji was once-upon-a-time the BEST dps on the ladder, he is obviously just powercrept. Stop feeding into powercreep.

Nanoblade is busted, always was. Nano was a good ult before it had any heal at all, this thing is bloated. Antinade is a yikes to have on a mainhealer too. That needs adjusting. The unpopular opinion, since people think Ana is the best addition to the game, is that Ana started the huge sustain creep that we never recovered from. Not Moira, not Brig, Ana.

Buff Orisa and Sigma’s shields and NERF the rest of their kit. Make them viable anchor tanks that don’t get amazing pairwise synergy due to the value they provide while they set-and-forget their barriers. You can even try giving them mini-reworks where they’re specifically weakened in ways only while their shield is up. Sigma specifically was a “kitchen sink” character. Why the heck was his kit so loaded? That’s not a good design.

Widow needs nerfs. She is busted with how map design and teamfights work in OW. Pick = won fight = won game.

Doomfist map glitch abuse techs need patching out. He shouldn’t be able to punch upwards and OHKO someone. Make SS make noise throughout the ability so his wall glide techs aren’t silent. Rocket punch wall mechanic was a bad idea from the start. Fix that and compensate.

Balance around GM, not OWL and not plat.

The way you’re trying to nerf Moira is wrong. Less damage and more heal spray? NO. Tighten the beam, lower its range, make it punishing yet escapeable for flankers, make it generous to aim but not overly so. Consider a straight rework / ability change for damage orb to make it both more skillful and more impactful if used well.

Symmetra is weak. Not niche, weak. There is balancing bias and it’s evident, some characters are deemed “problematic” if they’re not F tier. That’s a great way to make literally everyone frustrated, from the people who play these heroes to their teammates.

The roster imbalance is inexcusable. I am shocked that you think it’s “not a big deal.” When there’s inherent DPS bias AND they make up over half the roster but only one third of a team… What the heck do you expect? This is the basics, people. MORE tanks and MORE supports, yesterday.

Profile privacy is a mess. Let us hide past seasons. Let us pick our top 3. Let a private profile be grayed out when someone tries to click it so they don’t waste time. Nobody needs to see my season 10 stats or QP hero pool. It’s not relevant if it’s not current. Let us customize.

Why can’t we buy player icons with coins???

I think that’s it for now.


He was not average in gm he was a throw pick in gm. Stratus literally made a video telling people not to pick him. Being oppressive at low ranks doesn’t equal overpowered, most pros will say he’s C tier at best. Pick one of his many counters that he has in every role


Genji wasn’t used a whole lot in GM, but he was far, far, far, from a throw pick?

He was literally in the middle of winrates, and had a lower pickrate but that was all. Heroes WISH they could have been as well rounded as Genji was before his buffs


Yeah, WAY overtuned now, but, he wasn’t average in GM.

He was pretty garbage there. It doesn’t excuse what he is now though.

We wish.

I’d even be happy to buff him in other areas with this on them.


Well… Nerfing her would be ok if you nerf every flanker and dive tank in the game.
How would you nerf her? I’m interested

I’ll tell you something funny.

Remember when Genji mains or any other flanker complained about Brig or Moira?

What did people like you respond?

“Just shoot them 4head.”
“Just don’t engage in 1v1.”

Remember that and you should be fine.

As in, don’t engage the Genji or just shoot him.


I like Sigma where he is, though. :confused:

I wouldn’t nerf her, she isn’t a problem at any rank in the game.

Remember when Brig and Moira got nerfed because Genji mains Q_Q’d? Lol, yeah.


The same way that they responded before Moira / Brig when people were complaining that they were broken.

This has HISTORY.

It’s similar to what people think about Ana to be fair.

People think Ana, Moira and Brig require same level of gamesense, positioning and aiming.


On average if you see games for most people, you’ll see Moira and Brig getting way more value than Ana for most players (having value and fun are different things).

I know lol. The problem is that most people asking for nerfs or buffs (in forum or other places) literally don’t care about the game. They only care about their main (you’d see streamers constantly complain about Brig and Moira these days).

The reason supports like that exist:
Stupid amount of damage and non-existent shields.

When shields were nerfed across the board, I said that Sigma and Orisa will still be meta and they’ll be far more co-defendant than other tanks.

When balancing the current game, I honestly don’t think developers have incentives to take a look at even high level of plays. Because that doesn’t bring money.

That’s the reason 2 2 2 was implemented in OWL, Brig got 18 nerfs. Even then she’s meta. Ana get to be not nerfed because she won’t get significant value compared to Brig/Bap unless we’re talking about nanoblade.

Saw bunch of games yesterday. You go in with nanoblade and win even if your genji gets cc’d to oblivion.

In my opinion, Genji didn’t need all of the buffs at once.

Maybe reducing spread was a bad idea in the first place (that’s causing roughly 10% faster ult charge rate in ranks where you won’t get two shields and reins will always throw firestrikes.)


Yeah, and that is a huge problem IF Blizzard starts taking a slice of the community, and listens to them more than the rest.

Given the stats, I’d say your opinion is a pretty valid one.

I am really glad that Blizzard is not listening to plat hardstuck private profilers anymore, because literally everything mentioned here would be completely catastrophic should it go live.

Buffing shields. What game have you played for the past year?


oh but gold genji one tricks couldnt get out of gold so they needed some buffs to make him easier than he already was :(.


so that he can become more trash than he already is? yea lets remove his only viable way to get picks and make him more a punchbot yay

He isn’t overturned he’s just viable


I mean If they listened to them Genji would probably have 3 seconds of blade and all healers would be DPS with insane healing. Though that statement is kind of generalizing


Every other hero in the game wishes they had his level of “viability”

He needed buffs because while he was doing ok in other places, he was doing badly in GM, and we could see it by the stats.

Now he is OP as hell EVEN in gm, and we can see that by the stats.

He is going to partially reverted for sure…

Enjoy this state, you won’t see it again for a long time.


Most heroes have more viability then him. Both mcree and Ashe are actually insane and are the best dps by far, rein and Zarya have been S tier since season 12, and Lucio and brig were S tier in GOATS and are still S tier.