Just sad (on handicapping etc.)

LMAO you think this is 19% accuracy (EU)?


They are stat padding + handicapping + everything you can imagine to keep players playing. It is so sad that I can’t imagine it. TRULY.

Blizzard please, you can do a lot better than this. To keep this truly competitive game. This is just sad =(.


Handicapping is real. It will give you trash teammates if it cannot find good enemies.

That being said, it doesn’t “force” 50% win rate

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You are right, it only creates equal winning chances. Which is the biggest BS in the competitive history.


Agreed. I would rather have to deal with a smurfing widow than throwers

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Better yet let’s get rid of smurfs and lets see how it goes?

Or the matchmaking algo?


No please don’t say that!The smurf/mmr whiteknights will jump in the bandwagon even in this thread!

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I agree, good thread. Here is my related thread on the subject of MMR/handicapping for more info: