Just remove 2CP.. replace it with Push

I rather enjoy 2CP but only on specific maps.


I love 2cp TwT
In fact Paris is one of my favorite maps to play on. Idk, normally I don’t have any issues on that infamous map.


I don’t mind 2CP at all…it’s a different way to play the game…push will be as well…

The 2 min change ptr should help


Just be glad none of the maps are gravelpit or junction (junction btw is the smallest most claustrophobic map in all of tf2)


Ahh… I see, you’re a very rare breed.


How about replacing 2CP in Quickplay, with 3CP?

Just remove koth insted. I hate that mode.
I actualy like to play 2cp. Yea im weird, im got used to it.

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I saw your post, that could work but like it would make QP matches too long i think.

Wouldn’t be any longer than KotH maps like Illios or Nepal.

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How about No, just because you and some others don’t like 2CP doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t like it. I enjoy 2cp personally and would not like to see it go. Sure some maps could use a tweak in giving defenders a better respawn for 2nd CP than the last, but… nothing it life is perfect, so you just learn to deal with it.


I hear ya loud and clear captain :+1:

Get rid of everything but KOTH.

JK Rowling just confirmed in a tweet that you don’t like 2CP!

Assault maps are the teamwork skill check for Overwatch. You need teamwork to win, even with randos.

Quickplay shouldn’t have those types of checks though.

That should be a Comp thing.

I wanted to make the joke of just getting rid of OP instead but bad ideas do have a place on here I guess

Plus not sure who we’d replace with

More like attackers need to win point 1 without using ults so they can use every ult on point 2.

The only thing I don’t like about 2CP is not playing both sides so you can log on and keep getting like 6 attack or defence in a row.

Why not? QP is the same base game mode as comp. You need all the same skills in QP as you do comp. The only trye difference is the promise of faster games in QP.

Many people even use QP as practice for comp. I don’t think it would be reasonable to expect them to have to resort to custom games to practice 1/4 of the current map types.

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Have you played Steel? That place is a complete nightmare. ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE.