Just nerf rat already or rewowrk the jerk

Only current issues i have with him is.

  1. The double mines allow him to flank when his kit was designed to be an
    anti-flank hero. Example would be the player pvp search him up on youtube.

  2. His tire is equivalent to tracers pulse woth the additions of it has more damage than tracers pulse bomb, and has more damage radius along with being just as easy to build especialy on choke based maps all 2cp maps point a and b, kings row, first and last locations eichenwald, paris 2nd location.

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Thats more a sign of terrible map design than Junk being too powerful.

Paris A has one of the tightest chokes in the game, with no alternative route to use and defenders have high ground that directly overlooks the choke.

Junk is strong there, yes, but again it’s the map that favors him.

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Just because a hero is at the low end of the tier list doesn’t mean they’re terrible. No one holds a choke better.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

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As much as I dislike Junkrat
He doesn’t need any nerfs right now
a rework maybe

Why not throw your translocator over the roof on the left? Easy mode.

Awareness isn’t just about what you can see. That statement alone tells me how low of a rank you probably are. Awareness is a set of skills grouped together to form a picture of what’s going on in your head. Sight, sound cues, mapping team positions, predicting enemy movement based on those positions, ult tracking, etc. All these things and more play into awareness. You hear a loud clanking set of foot steps and maniacal laughter followed by “THUNK! THUNK! THUNK! THUNK!” Don’t walk around the corner into the small hallway where you heard it. Open map? Look up. You’re not paying attention to what’s going on or thinking about your situation. What you’re doing is reacting to the pretty lights. I see brain dead vegetables like that all the time in quickplay and their stupidity is infuriating. That kind of mindless play doesn’t cut it no matter which hero you’re fighting. Junkrat just happens to be very punishing to people who are walking around in a daze.


His mines are fine dude. There was a time where they ALWAYS did 120 with no falloff. I am happy to deal with him as is.

You know that’s like, not possible, right? Not without long cooldown damage boosts… unless you’re tracer, then Mercy is enough.

Least I checked, Pharah, Sombra, Widowmaker, Hanzo, and McCree all can very easily kill him.

And it’s even easier of you don’t step into giant glowing balls that barely have a bounce or two