Just nerf rat already or rewowrk the jerk

Yup. And because of people like you he’s dumpster tier again.

He’s in the worst state he’s ever been in. He’s borderline useless for his intended purpose of Area Denial because his grenades don’t stick around for very long.

I said when they made these changes that some people would hate them, and here you are. Same old complaining: “I don’t want to get better!”

Situational Awareness.

Git gud.


you can counter them you can’t counter rat they nerfed all his counters into unplayable again.

Rat’s counters are widowmaker and hanzo…and pharah.

Seriously, he’s not difficult to send out to pasture.

Your profile is private so we can’t even give you advice pertinent to your mains. Maybe, instead of QQing for a nerf, try asking for advice you can put into practice.


Although the OP is definetely wrong, i would only partly agree with you. I’m 3800 Junk main (not 1 trick tho) and although bank-shots are very rare now, it’s great to again be able to consistently hit non-tanks.

Yes, his pickrate isnt that impressive but at least hes playable. Buff him and criers like the OP will multiply x10. After that he may get nerfed into unplayable again.

you can not position against a thing you can not see and if you have to pick hanzo or widow you’re asking for your team to rage against you plus if you goes inside liek they do 90% of god damn time you will not win the fight

He needs self damage returned and he needs a smaller ammo capacity

really, nice to know.

MMMM I wonder.

Lol wut? They’re literally the most picked DPS right now.


Buff him and let them cry.

If there’s nobody there to punish their mistakes, they’ll never get better.


junkrat is even worse after his nerf. As for getting one-shot from the other side of the map… that’s probably a widow or hanzo, not junkrat. junkrat is the crazy, limping dude who lobs grenades at you slower than a feather with a distrubingly contagious giggle. He cannot one-shot anyone with out some boosts (mercy/orisa/bap)

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I’d say they need some salve for that sick burn, but Im a Junkrat Main so… let em.

Dude seriously?

Like, I always used to generally hate going against Junkrat but ever since his projectile size nerf he’s been pathetically easy to deal with. If you’re having trouble with him at this point, you honestly just need to git gud.


Everything has been complained about…

Just go mccree, avoid the glowing balls and shoot him. Or ignore him and shoot everyone else and head to the point.

If you’re after an even easier time, pick Tracer/Genji and don’t step on the trap.

OP is wood tier confirmed

I fully support Junkrat being nerfed. Maybe then the dev team will actually have to address the core problems of his kit and not leave him as some weird ground Pharah.

Im a simple man…i consider everyone one OP but this…now this is exceeeing my limits


He’s fine.

If you’re being killed by a Junkrat, it’s because you were:

  • Too close
  • Not looking where you were going
  • Walking into his grenades/traps

On you. Go a ranged hero. Go Ashe. McCree. Soldier. Widow. Hanzo. Shoot, even Sombra or Mei.

Or Pharah. Or D.Va. Or get free charge with Zarya. Or Roadhog. Or Hammond. Or Ana, Baptiste, Zenyatta, Moira.



If you get sniped by the slowest projectile in the game, you deserve it.


Junkrat does his job as a shield-breaker, but he also violates your team’s health bars. He is relatively balanced, if you know what to do about him.
Get high-ground, get distance. Focus him down.
Maybe a bit lower damage on the mines would help a hella ton, and his ultimate is charged really fast, and it can be so impactful.
Keep faith, ILY.

Yeah… In Master’s and above…

junk is bad in plat as well. he is only decent on a few maps like reaper, pharah, sym