Just got removed from a game

yep happened 2 times just then i lost sr for no reason cause of this sh*t

unexpected server error

Ok I was able to get in and start a game, but right as everyone was walking out of spawn, it kicked me out again, this is ridiculous :confounded:

Ya same happened to me today but I don’t care lol. Comp is such a joke now SR dosent even matter to me

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My team and I were wrecking in comp and all got kicked at the same time lol
Feels bad, man. Feels bad.

Don’t comment if you literally have nothing to add

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which is what you just did?

Yeah, it kicked me midgame, I reloaded and it kicked again as soon as I hit play. As far as I know no maintenance was scheduled, but sym rework has been out a couple weeks and might be made available in comp. My best guess

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I may not have added anything to the discussion but at least I’m not just telling people to “move on” when this is actually a problem that’s happening to quite a few people, me included.

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I made a comment, giving him advice to move on. What else do you want from chat? Sympathy? You responded with a comment telling me to move on. Hypocrisy at its finest

That wasn’t advice lol. Maybe I should’ve worded it differently. You’re not being helpful by simply telling them to move on.

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So what would be helpful here?

Blizzard was getting ddos’d yesterday around this time. Maybe the attackers are back?

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Hey everyone. WyomingMyst one of the forum MVPs here. Please hang tight, Blizzard is aware of the issue and is now investigating these recent incidents.

Something other than telling someone to move on. Maybe giving them possible answers as to why this is happening or you could give your similar experiences with this.

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if i gave them answers how can that help them? Will that help them “move on”. or how about i sympathies with them? How will that help?

Just as a follow up. This is a new DDoS attack tonight, Please head here:


By giving them possible answers or “sympathizing” with them it can make them feel better about the situation or clear some confsuion.

Right, so in the end they can move on…

Yep! But simply telling someone just to move on doesn’t help, but it doesn’t really matter now since the someone on the forum said what the problem was.

I get what your saying but there is no help here. No matter what you say, the person is going to be upset that they got DC’d. I can say “Oh man So did I, i got DC’d too. Im also upset, lets be upset together” Or, the person can do a simple google search and find out that Overwatch had a DDOS attack. OR, OP and everyone else can realize that there is no action the internet can do to help them feel better, and OP can “MOVE ON”.