Just gonna ignore the problem and keep stacking penalties?

Nope, review bombing can be done by a big enough playerbase, don’t have to be bots

In that case, it is not a review bomb. It is the review.

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And no one is at liberty to force Blizzard to unanimously release that data for verification.

Blizzard can tell you that employees never eat pizza. If employee diets are restricted by NDA, no one can ever verify such a claim without breaking NDA.

The idea that Blizzard isn’t lying, or at best telling a half truth, is amazing.

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Time will tell if the issue gets better, or not.

Hearsay will definitely not.

This is so stupid. You can;t leave as a group anymore, and we can;t play qp while waiting for a friend in comp anymore. How did they think this is a good idea? All I’ve seen from this is a big dip to quality of game. Now we have to wait instead of having a “quick game” and when we do play quick play, people just throw to make game end faster anyway.

Good job bliz, good job make this game worst than it already was.

As I said leavers are clearly less frequent. Deny it all you like, but they are. Even if people did leave as often they’re going to be suspended for a time so can no longer continue to leave. Will some use alts? Maybe. Some won’t. Meaning less leavers in games overall.


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I only play Quick Play as I am unable to play Competitive due to potentially having to leave the game for my job. Quick Play is a casual game mode. Punishing people for frequently leaving didn’t work in the past and just adding MORE time to that isn’t either.

Unfortunately I do leave games semi-often. I JUST hit the mark for the 4 hour lockout. You know what I did? Uninstalled the game. I spend a lot of money in microtransactions but I’m just going to stop altogether. That’s what Blizzard cares about, so I’m just not giving it to them and will give it to another company who cares.


If that were only true. There are just as many leavers now as there were before the harsher penalties.


Again, you’re stating this as if it is a fact.

Without anything beyond your word, meaning because it cannot be proven to not be the case, your assessment is at best hearsay.

I don’t have to deny it. I outright do not acknowledge it.

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Yet you have people in here, such as the post above mine, saying they no longer leave.

This is just basic logic.

If people get suspended for leaving they can no longer leave more matches so there are less leavers overall. Longer suspensions increases the effect. Some people will swap accounts and some won’t. End result of less leavers. There’s no way to twist your way out of that.


You really don’t understand what review bombing is

Your mistake is assuming that is the extent of what will happen.

People will continue to timeout. People will continue to have to abruptly end their play sessions to attend to work, their children, and emergencies. People who leave games, for whatever reason, will continue to exist. Regardless of the penalties imposed.

Everything that you claim will not happen, resulting in fewer leavers, does not prove conclusive in the least. Every non-chronic leaver has the potential to become a leaver, for any reason.

You can claim there are fewer leavers. But only in aggregate.

Logically, the opposite remains true as well. Fewer leavers means fewer players, but that in and of itself does not reduce the rate at which people leave.

Don’t play the game if you can’t handle the matchmaking.

The real cause of the problem are selfish people who don’t care about their fellow players.

No, I’m afraid it is you who doesn’t understand what review bombing is.

If the reviews are not deserved, then it’s a review bombing.

But if the reviews are truthful, then it’s just a game that bombed.

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Yet according to Blizzard there has been a significant decrease in leavers and we all understand that a huge chunk of leaving is simply wanting to go into a different match. You’re just doubling down on a bad point here.

It literally does reduce the rate when it’s typically the same people leaving matches. Once again, Blizzard said this but I’m sure you’ll continue to claim they must be lying, for some reason, just to protect your bad argument.

You’re just wrong. Suspensions obviously decrease leavers simply by excluding the repeat offenders from the player pool. Beyond that they make people think twice about leaving so limit those who aren’t frequent leavers as well. This is basic, obvious stuff.


In that, we are going to have to simply disagree.

You can believe Blizzard. Your belief in Blizzard’s word changes my view on this matter in no significant way.

And logically, your viewpoint completely misses the mark in regards to forced human behavior.

Read: Streisand effect.

Review bombing can happen if a community expresses severe frustration. This can be for a multitude of reasons, like scrapping PVE hero missions or adding an atrocious MTX system

The goal of review bombing is to punish or troll and not to review the game

If you don’t understand a term, look it up

Haha. Sure. Whatever you say, friend. :rofl:

Any counter argument?

You used Streisand effect wrong btw: Streisand effect
Let me quote the definition:

The Streisand effect is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead backfires by increasing awareness of that information