Just give Sym an AK-47

Redeemer could work with some popular phrase from RTS: “nuclear launch detected”

Like a how redeemer worked on UT.

About her kit she could use some BL reference, d3 wiz reference with mirror image/decoys.

Would be really crazy, but at least wouldn’t be too much niche

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A holy grenade from Worms, great item for Symmetra, all teams deads instant xd.




Give a sym a new pair of gucci boots so she can walk out of this game for a better one.


Naw she needs an AWP tf :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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“AK47s for everybody!

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They need to model it realistically too. Like, just borrow the one made for MW 2019 and slap it in OW with the animations and everything. I want it to look as ridiculous as possible so when people see it they think “what the heck am I looking at”.

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I personally think they should have Symmetra’s orbs follow the user’s crosshair kind of like a remote control, maybe along with piercing? Or have her orbs and stuff have homing, idk.

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An INSAS rifle would be more fitting.

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what about a nerf gun? Nerfing every hero on the game :smiley:


I’m thinking a Symmetra rework to make her a bullet hell boss character that can fire waves of tiny but annoying bullets might work.

It would be like a mage character firing off 5 fireballs at once. It only does major damage if you’re close and individually they are easy to avoid at a distance but as a collective it acts to lock down the area similar to what Wrecking ball mines do.

Who should you trust?


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Get rid of teleporter. Replace teleporter with an AOE light blast centered on her that does like 50 damage, grants her some green bar health, a short speed boost and damage reduction with a phasing effect (she is like half visible).

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Curving shots! That would actually be a really cool ability for a future character, though probably clunky for a basic weapon fire.


Just imagine any of her voice lines after she kills some one, it would be perfect and scary af.
is that all
I forgot all the voice lines now

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They will find a way to f that up too lol. They are the same people that said there wasn’t any power creep in their game. Same people who said “why does mercy needs a dmg boost stat”.

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Ngl, she is Arab after all =) Give her ak-47, and stop this “analytical mind” cringe, let her be herself =) I gonna get banned for that, but I can not hold it :sweat_smile:
(c) Why would you play Portal in OW?

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Sniper Sym WHEN!!?!?!?!?

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Sym uses hard light to craft the next Metal Gear. She then uses it to defeat both Hammond and Junker Queen, becoming the next queen and bringing order to Junkertown. Heck Blizz can even make this a PvE mission as it will now be canon.


Its true you maybe get banned but not because of your joke, you get banned cause u think symetra is arab. She is indian tho

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