Just...give hacked enemies the sugar skull healthpacks have

Where are you getting 40 meters from?


Hack is not a stun you can still fight back


That’s my point. Hack is not unfair in any capacity.


My bad


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You can ignore what I posted if you want, it won’t make your response any more true.

Both Tanks and Healers are both heavily crippled by hack, some healers more than others, and some tanks more than others. Many DPS characters are RELATIVELY unaffected, and there are a few that are completely crippled by hack.

You can fire your gun and move, but you cannot:

Raise your shield with Reinhardt.
Throw barriers with Orisa.
Cast bubbles with Zarya.
Self heal with Roadhog.
Jump or Bubble with Winston.
Defense Matrix with Dva.

Have an active song with Lucio.
Cast harmony orb with Zen.
Heal aura nor burst heal with Brigitte.

:thinking: Yeah we should put a long range disable ability to cripple pushes, on a character that is infinitely invisible, can teleport away at will, and is basically out of range of every potential threat on most pushing payload or assault maps.

The player was comparing the 40 meter discord orb range.

Fight back within certain parameters, if you’re a character that can actually reach her. If you’re almost exclusively dealing with the front line, and she decides to remove your barrier, it’s something you have to deal with as a tank.

No you’re right, currently it’s not unfair that it can do all of those things that I mentioned. Give it a longer range, or no threat of interruption, or no cooldown, then yeah you’re going to have a serious problem overall with ANYONE wanting to play tank.

Discord is very low visibility, if it were as low vis as Discord, then that is reasonable. If it is like the skulls over a healthpack, then no way

I really would love to see that in game. Usually Hack seems invisible to the team.

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I disagree, I find it very easy to see a discorded target (aura), and hear the characters disgust often when they are afflicted. Skull may be to much, but a static field around the hacked target would be fine by me.

They already have a red swirl and an “I have an Ult”, what do you need, them to grow to 40m tall?

The number of times people don’t notice the skulls over turrets is too high, it’s a free opportunity to kill them, so I really don’t think a skull will make too much of a difference if it’s over a player, or if it’s a smaller one right next to them or their battletag/gametag.

The simple truth is, if you want Sombra viable, it has to be something other than a small visual change. She’s going to remain iffy until something is done to her.

It can’t be done to her hack, it has to be done to something else in her kit.

I’m pretty damn sure they were just comparing visuals to show what a proper hack indicator would, nade was compared as well. Nowhere do they say Hack should have 40 meter range XD

Also, people aren’t expecting visual changes to magically make Sombra stronger. But it would improve our QoL a damn good bit and make it easier for people to see her impact and work with her.


This is true, but a small quality of life buff like this would be a step in the right direction. Like when they added a health bar to Winston’s barrier.


Yeah, well maybe in quickplay, but where any way of focusing a team is made substantially easiefmr, it is a no go assist button.

Exactly he missed the point, it was a visual ShotCallers comparsion
Also the way he talks about sombra makes its clear he thinks the smallest buff Will make her op

This is the same mentality OWL had and every ignorant that is keeping her in F- tier forever

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Wait, what did I ignore? What do you think I’m suggesting? That hack work the same way as discord? We’re talking about visual indicators. Because it isn’t clear right now. I mean, if you just read the title of the thread you’d see that

She will never be viable as long as hack itself remains, we all know this.

It can’t be removed either without replacing it, as it’s already an established “silence” item in her list. It’s really hard to counterbalance visuals, audios, and things of this nature as well. Adding more visual clarity to the visibly hacked enemy for your own team, would make it very difficult for any victim tank or healer to survive said onslaught.

So I got a bit carried away there, and mentioned a few of the potential cripplers that players face when facing hacks. Adding large visual cues will amplify this, and the very thought of having more range sent me overboard there. I do apologize for my response, as it was unmerited in intensity.


Man you are seriously trying hard to exaggerate Sombra’s effectiveness, impact, and range. Excuse you but long range for her hack is painfully wrong. Yes indeed it takes away your abilities but that doesn’t reduce anything short of Lucio so much and that’s cause his songs and wallride both count as passive and switching them is a skill.

Reinhardt still has his hammer which is going to keep people away and if he’s with his team (unlikely as it is that he’s not after all) then he has people to support him if he can’t simply hide behind something to avoid being an ult battery.

Orisa’s gun is powerful enough to also at the least ward of enemies and her barrier active barriers wont go away if she gets hacked after placing one far as I recall. Sure if it’s broken then maybe buuuut to act as though she immediately lost her main value is also exaggerating, at best relying on the most improbably of timings.

No bubbles, yes. Shame. However if she was already charged to any fair degree she is still more then useful. Still, nothing unfair there.

I’d say losing his hook is the key there but your priorities for things clearly greatly vary from mine.

And I could keep going through your list or any hero here and point out that no, hack isn’t unfair to any of them. Sombra’s ult aside the strongest impact her hack has is to reduce a hero’s power for a short time. One single hero from a team, that can be stopped by 1 damage still making some of her most hack prone targets like Tracer or Dva just has impactful against her as she is them.

You refer to the PTR changes for her having infinite invisibility like it’s making her stronger whatsoever when you are objectively wrong. She now has more potential time not to be able to do anything. Sombra cannot do anything while invisible.

She can teleport away and then… she’s away so the issue is? She was warded off or couldn’t remain in situation. What possible issue do you have with that? She has to wait to go back in then just to try having impact.

If she is out of range of receiving threats let me point out… SHE ISN’T ONE THEN! She does not have long range despite what you say. She is not some invincible or unstoppable force against tanks, healers, or dps. So yes, she can use buffs. She did not need untested nerfs adding to her bugs, and if she gets proper buffs later which the PTR ones are not, then she doesn’t need compensation nerfs either.


It’s a cool idea that fits aesthetically with Sombra, but what about when she EMP’s and the whole enemy team has little icons over their heads? That will make getting headshots harder for hitscan characters like Widow, McCree or Hanzo if they’re on high ground and an icon over the head of one enemy keeps passing over and visually blocking other heroes, it could potentially interfere with allies trying to get clear shots.

Maybe if you put it nearer to their chest/belly it would be less likely to visually interrupt other players aiming.

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