Just give genji 150 shield health

50 health, 150 shield health

dev tried to buff his damage and it doesnt work, he got reverted back to trash again

maybe give him 150 shield, so he doesnt suck all the heal resource that can be used on someone else more usefull


I think that giving him 50 shield health would help. But I’d rather have a powershift, it’d help much more. The problem about giving him shields, is that he completely doesn’t need healer attention, and dash resets become much more potent. It also doesn’t fix his core problems, being his strong ult and mediocre kit.


how about no
spamming double jump and secondary till you farm blade then using it and having reset on get out of jail cards still gives you ez wins against opponenets up until masters included


Time for you to get good. Genji isn’t op.


you have quite the balls to say that here


As long as Sombra is in the game, yeah hard no.

We dont need EMP being 2 free kills if you’re running genji zen.


well nano blade is still a problem…even if genji himself isnt seen alot

Yeah, every two minutes you might be able to win a fight. Also having one character’s viability rest on another’s is terrible game design.

If it’s up to masters, it doesn’t matter. The game is balanced around GM with CONSIDERATION for lower ranks. Also Genji is nothing like you described. You have 1 get out of jail free card, and it’s usually used as an execute. Blade gets shutdown extremely easy if someone can shoot you.


We should be looking at Nano for that one though, her ult is far less risky and she has way better a kit than Genji does.

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Sombras laughing menacingly from a far


That one ult has a chokehold over swapping heroes health with shields, it’s kinda irritating.

How about, Healthpacks give a temporary buff that provides 5% of the heroes max HP per second, until they take 1 point of damage or reach max health.

its a good trade, also its and ultimate on average hero on ladder

i dont mind getting 1 shoted with emp if it makes me better vs other heroes

yeah even i thought before of having genji get like 175hp and 25 shield, but then again thats just gonna encourage more sombra players to come out and counter him even more which is not a good change. if anything he just needs better base kit damage and some tweaking into ult charge rate honestly.

That’s terrible balance though, saying “I dont mind turning one fight completely suicidal in exchange for a little bit better fights outside of it” is a bad trade.

It means as long as Sombra is in the game, blade AND nanoblade will be nonexistent.

i’d rather not honestly… it sounds nice on paper but thats just gonna encourage more sombra play and thats gonna make your hero just entirely useless, especially if youre blading and she goes “APAGANDO LAS LUCES” on you and your dead within a sec. especially huge nerf to nanoblade and renders it COMPLETELY useless.

He got buffed, which pushed him above the door to being good, then instead of walking a couple steps back he got pushed down the staircase.

Even leaving 1 damage from that damage buff wouldve just fixed 70% of his fights.

And all its gonna do is keep him in the fight for a bit longer AFTER he kills something.

Genji dies way too fast for shields to regen, no point in shields if you dont have the damage to survive in the first place.

idk if not shield maybe some buff to his passive

give him regen like mercy after out of combat for 1or 2 sec or something