Just delete Brigitte

Yeah, except Mercy takes some skill where as Brigitte takes little to none, this is coming from someone who likes Brigitte she’s simply too easy to get results with.

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It’s not me who should learn how to counter. It’s Blizzard who should learn how to make balanced characters.

I’ve watched enough videos and listened to many opinions about disbalance of this new character to understand that my opinion is not something single and unsupported by others.


Can we just delete all the “delete Brigitte” posts?

Geez… Over 200 plus hours on tracer here, 10 hours on Brigitte…

I dont have any issue with Brigitte… Just learn how to play against her, it took me a while but i dont have any issue with her.
She kills me, i kill her… its all good…

And ps “they wont delete her


She’s designed to be tough to take down.

I don’t think a hero should get deleted just because some casual player cannot deal with it when the higher rank can deal with it


I’m not a casual player, and even so she shouldn’t be this rough to actually take down.

How is that an argument? It’s fine to have a tough to take down but she has so much power for little risk involved. There is little difference between a good and bad Brigitte, this is coming from somebody who legitmate has her as one of their gotos/mains.

Saying delete her obviously won’t happen, and she’s pretty awkward to actually rework, but I still feel like she has way too much potential.

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She has the only ultimate in the game with a permanent effect. 300 hp zenyatta and 500 hp Zarya with that shield buffer before the armor is touched is incredibly powerful.

They keep tweaking the cool down on stun but honestly they should reduce its duration to match McCree.

The ultimate feels too powerful and is weirdly more effective (in some situations) to use it outside of combat because of its permanence.


Widow is getting 2 sec cd nerf. So Brigitte should get 1 sec nerf. Doesnt that make sense?

She is fine. Learn her counters and she won’t be a problem anymore.


No. Because she is the steortype of hybrid tank/support. Hard to kill and heals.
We should be actually grateful she doesnt have res.
That is a joke but, if overwatch is gonna add more supports, one of them will eventually be Brigitte.
Just nerf her damage and she is good

No thanks. She’s a Hero we needed.

20 characters lol,
~ PyroPanda

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Brigette is annoying to fight against but she’s not invincible. Pharah in particular completely demolishes her due to Brigette’s flimsy knock-off Reinhardt shield. It can’t handle too much damage and can’t protect against splash damage,same goes for Junkrat’s bombs but Pharah’s rockets are less random and a bit more reliable.Sombra hacks will disable her abilities and ana’s grenade takes away her self-healing. Her shield bash’s CD has already been increased again to the point that’s it’s easier to take her down. What is so hard for some of you people to figure out?I mean I get it she’s a pain but Blizzard isn’t gonna delete a hero just because you guys can’t figure how to beat her.

Brigitte already has the second lowest dps in the game, with Moira having only slightly lower dps. Also her combo is actually pretty low damage as far as burst goes. The majority of the cast can do way more damage in the same amount of time that it takes Brigitte to do her combo.


She had too much utility.
Remove one of them. I would vote Whip Shot.
I play Brig too, I think having the heal and bash is more than enough.

If she can hit bit slower or lower damage will be great. It’s true her dps kinda low , but as someone who play moira and sombra too, I believe Moira n Brig easier to kill due to their damage is easier to land.

Unlike other dps hero, you require aims, thus even with high dps, you have chances to miss lots of shot (especially sombra), thus in a fight 1 vs 1 , usually Brig can win easily despite her low damage.


The whip shot is the only way she can provide area effect heal at range. She’s already getting a further nerf to her only movement ability. She needs a nerf but whip shot exists so she can heal.

Wait your main Hanzo and widowmaker?!? You complain about Brigitette. Please not delete brigitte!!

If that’s the case, then I understands It should stay then.

But ya know, having the ability to

  1. Stun
  2. Boop
  3. Heal from far

She’s still having too much utility. If whip shot stays, then at least one of the function should be remove.

Whip shot provides damage, boop, and area effect heal.

1 of it must go I guess : /

Same goes like shield bash, a quick dash for mobility, a stun, and small damage.

All her skill had too much function. At least (for example), combined of all her skill, she can do 7 function, so removing 1 should be ok for me.


Where is your evidence that making no-aim heroes worse is bad for the game?

The game was more fun when high skill heroes were dominating the meta.

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Imo, she’s more annoying than she is op. That’s not to say she probably isn’t overtuned to some extent. The problem I see with Brigitte is how safe she is even if she makes a mistake. Doing something like giving shield bash some type of risk factor if you miss would probably be a great start.

Zen has many counters, Widow Dva Winston Tracer and a ton more of soft counters. Where is Mercys hard counters let alone soft counters?