Just Boycott Mercy (Seriously)

One thing I don’t get with Mercy mains.
You guys complain you don’t like how she is and that she’s “unfun” but you keep her pickrate so high so it can be used against you in arguments.
Look at what us tank mains are doing. You see a lot less main tank players in your games, why? Because tanking isn’t enjoyable at the moment so we aren’t playing them and it’s very noticeable.
I wouldn’t be surprised if to OW team has taken notice too.
Why not boycott Mercy? There’s so many of you it feels like a hive mind. If a chunk of you stopped playing her and contributing to her high pickrates people would notice the lack of Mercy and maybe get more attention then you wasting time complaining in the mega thread while you play her like nothing is wrong.
It’s like buying a product, if you like it you use if you don’t, don’t use it. There’s enough supports now to still do your job.
I know the “I enjoy the hero” argument but if you want change you have to put your money where your mouth is and SHOW that you’re unhappy with her by letting it show in her stats. You’re hurting yourselves.
I know it sounds like I’m bashing Mercy Mains, BUT I AM!!
You have to show that you’re unsatisfied.
I don’t like Mercy at all but watching you guys flail and fill the forums with useless posts when you have enough numbers to make noticeable change is annoying.


167 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018