Junkrat's stats are absolutely horrible 📉

If that makes you immediately swap off Junkrat then you shouldn’t be playing Junkrat in the first place.

@Alexis where you at.

On topic, yeah Junkrat needs something to help him that’s both fair for the Junkrat player and people playing against Junkrat.

Like consistent but less damage on Concussion Mines or larger Grenade hitboxes but much stronger splash falloff.

I think you that should just jump on Junkrat and try playing him in any rank above gold.

He feels ok in Quickplay because who cares its quickplay its only half a real game, you dont ever find out who the real winner would be.

In comp to win with him consistently at high rank it takes a ton of practice with tiny projectile, aiming and ricocheting his grenades in the perfect spots and knowing how and when to push forward without getting killed instantly.

I have never played in bronze so I assume people just walk into grenades maybe they are deaf and cant hear his loud launcher spamming at easy choke points.

I think his pickrate is only even there because three Junkrat GM’s pick him.

The few times I’ve played Junkrat in comp, I’ve literally fired them on top of people who just stood there getting hit.

Then got 3 people in voice chat going wtf I’ve never seen a Junkrat get his ult so quickly

It was almost not even a game

Wouldn’t that make the trap+mine combo not work?

No, it would still do 120 damage max. It just means the very edge of the mine would do 70 damage

Gotcha, that makes more sense.

“absolutely horrible”



Have no idea what you said…

He has a discussion going on. You are false flagging

The title is trolling.

Ive only played him in diamond on an alt recently. But my point had nothing to do with his balance, just the way the OP makes these threads when a hero is doing poorly that week. That 50% win rate is not common at all for junkrat in gm, he has been at 56% for the past 6 months. That was all i was saying.

I mean… at one point zaryas stats were a 1.8% pickrate and 49% winrate in GM, you’re just picking the worst time for stats… I saw him not long ago at a 60% winrate

Because it might be a bit click baity? He just made a title to catch your eye with logical points. Disagree with them if you wish, join in the discussion.

But don’t false flag him.

Low pick rate is the most important stat.

Masters and GMs know which heroes are the most effective by having played a million games. There are a few situations where Junkrat, Sym, Reaper, Bastion, and Pharah are effective, but for the rest of the map you probably want to swap to something more reliable.

Except Kings Row where I feel the most heroes in the game stand a chance due to its great mix of tight geometry with some straight hallways.

While I enjoy the 50% flat winrate (because even, whole numbers :drooling_face:), I think that’s actually really bad to barely be used, and barely be successful.

That is pretty glaringly sad.

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Frankly, the problem with Junkrat is by far not damage-wise, it’s inconsistency-wise.

You see, more than anything, you will do a lot of damage, the problem right now is that, finishing targets seems to be the huge problem with junkrat. Rarely ever will you chase someone running away from you. With how the grenades works as of this moment, you have to legit predict where the person goes or else use the mines or 200IQ trap prediction.

Obviously he dominates in lower tier, but with the entire changes, he’s rendered fairly useless mid-ladder and also outclassed by other DPS that are by far more reliable and consistent damage/pick-wise. Obviously very few situations are okay for Junkrat to be played, but more than anything, with how the grenade bounces work, they narrowed down the “way” to play junkrat and that alone was not a great idea.

In my experience so far, i had more success playing Junkrat while charging in and holding W with his new grenades, than playing any of the previous ways u could before that recent change. But, things like jebaiting the enemy Reinhardt with a mine to send him flying up top seems to still work, 1v1 trap fights as well, 200IQ trap/mine as well, altho disregarded as an old strategy, Kamikaze in-and-out or in-and-dead do work if you know how to do it as well.

Here’s the catch, even with these type of gameplay, literally DPS like Hanzo pretty much outclasses Junkrat in most situation. So yes, Junkrat does need a buff, but probably not a damage-type buff, rather something that can make him more consistent at getting picks (e.g. grenade size revert, combo bonuses, falloff reduction on mines, etc.)


He should counter tanks. But doesn’t. :confused: Just like sym reaper and pharah.
I have an idea! Let’s buff hitscan again!
Surely that will fix the issue.

***For reals tho. ***
Junks effectiveness as a spammer needs to be toned down a little more so you can buff him up and make room for him to be a cluster buster.

Example: return self damage but give all direct hits some knock back and allow him to deploy the trap from farther alway.

Destroys big clusters of boys but is vulnerable to stuff like dive. That’s how he should be.