Junkrat's stats are absolutely horrible 📉

I know 50% winrate might seem balanced at first, but at high tiers usually it is very bad. I think the average winrate in GM is around 53% for a hero being picked normally. But Junkrat has the pick rate of a troll pick at this point; I think it’s about time we give him a much needed buff. I would be fine just a 3 or 2% pick rate, something that is at least average. But right now, GMs will laugh at you for picking this hero.

I recommend raising the minimum damage on his CC mine to 70, and increasing his projectile size to 0.3. If it becomes too much, then have the projectile size decrease upon hitting a surface


A projectile size revert wouldn’t be too bad. I’m not sure the damage break points on the mines are - so until I look at that, I’ll not comment on it.


Im convinced you make these types of threads when the hero is at a very low point and its weekly. A hero with low pick rate in a rank with very few people will always have volatile stats. Sure its between 50-51% right now, but if we look at monthly its over 56%. Im not saying he is in a great spot, but that win rate is misleading. Last 3 months and 6 months and he is at 56%, which seems to be common for him in gm with so few ppl playing him.


He doesn’t need more damage just easier ways to hit his opponents.

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This ^

I’m not sure why they buffed his damage, when it was the projectile size that needed buffing


Junkrat isn’t meta.

And he never was outside of maybe the first few weeks of Season 6. I just want him to be viable and comparable to the other DPS

Also technically, Bunker should be his meta, since that’s the playstyle he thrives off the most.

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is hard to just buff junrkat… he can be to opressive on low ranks… he needs some gameplay changes.

he is almost like reaper… you cant just buff him like blizzard did with reaper.

a good buff to junkrat is a pharah rework. a lot of times if you are playing junkrat good, the enemy just pick pharah and bye. on some way same with zarya.

cracks knuckles

  • Grenades decrease 0.5 in radius and lose 20 damage per bounce.
  • CC mine blast radius decreased from 3 to 2.5
  • Primary fire made slightly more visible

Now, for the good part:

  • Projectile size increased to 0.3 upon fire
  • CC mine minimum damage increased from 30 to 70
  • Paused remove upon detonating tire

What have I done? Essentially lowered the value drastically from spam and low-skill playstyles, making them less viable. However, the high-skill parts of his kit are much easier to utilize, making high rewards slightly easier to obtain as long as the Junkrat is outputting higher skill.

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This sounds very specific to your own personal playstyle.

and you still will have to insta swap when the enemy pick pharah/pharahmercy or zarya.

first the hardcounter should to go. no one hero should have hardcounters.

Not exactly. I’m pointing out the problem not because he isn’t meta, only because he has pick rates of a troll pick. It’s not Tracer’s meta, but she has a 2.5% pickrate. Why can’t Junk?

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agreed, 0.3 projectiles


Junkrat needs more HP and less damage, what’s the point of a shield of a hero can delete it in twobto to three seconds

I mean I agree that Junk isn’t in a good spot but you can’t take the over all winrate over all ranks and say its a problem in GM thats highly misleading because you post is laid out in a way where you could believe thats high GM winrate.

But his actuall GM winrate for example is 56%, 5th highest.

So while I agree please don’t mislead others.

I think his nades should have a 5 sec stun effect. That would make him more in par with the way the game is going. stun, stun, stun, stun.

Thats because gm people pick him to throw games. Like gave up on playing, doesnt wont to ruin main hero stats, so who do you pick? Junk or Sym, or mainly Mccree

just run junk widow and your fine against pharah

These are some great ideas. Unfortunately the exact opposite will probably happen on his next balance pass.

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Why would anyone play a non sniper hero in this game? For fun?

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