Junkrats primary fire needs a buff, badly

tbh all I wanted was his ultimate charge to be reduced before so he didn’t get ult charge so fast. But the projectile nerf was just…:man_shrugging: An indirect, suboptimal way of doing that…


it was a stupid way of doing it


I still think the best mechanic would be where the projectile is old size while midair, and current size after 1 bounce.

Which would reward aimed shots, but not suppression fire shots.


I mean…I was trying to say that without saying it like that :joy: But yeah…

It doesn’t address the issues they introduced. IMO it started with the 2 mines and they band-aid nerfed without addressing the actual issues.


I don’t even like using RIP-tire.

That’s actually a great idea


I like it, honestly. :smile: But it charges quite fast if you hit your targets. Which, prior to the projectile size decrease, he got so fast. And that was the issue people had.

IMO what I think happened was that people got so fed up with him having his ult so fast, they would accept and praise any nerf - however suboptimal it was - that helped it decrease its charge. Now…here we are. :confused:

tbh I don’t even know what I’d want. I’d be happy if it hit from .3 when it was in the air, but decreased after a bounce. But I’d also hope for a decrease in charge rate to his ultimate.

Can’t even be mad when a Junkrat I play against is charging his ult as fast as before. Having started to practice Junkrat (since I’m a full-roster flex player), I know it isn’t easy. Especially not anymore.

You stole my idea!

Keep stealing.



I just read it and now I realize why I like you so much.

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Do you play Destiny 2 ?(orborderlands2dontjudgeme)

We could play together

This is really the thing that kills me about Junkrat now. Before the nerf, I was getting all gold medals with him in most of my matches. I was a good Junkrat, I didn’t die a lot, I was practical and useful. Now I’m lucky if I get gold damage, and half the elims I used to. It’s not the fact that it’s harder to aim, I actually do land my shots regularly, but every time I land a shot on a genji and it just slides through him rather than killing him like it should have and then I die, I just…


And honestly they keep messing up the heroes I love playing and changing them so I can’t enjoy them anymore, and it makes me not even want to play. Like what’s the point of mastering a hero when they’re just going to get made irrelevant in five minutes by a dumb nerf?


I play both!! :smile:

I see your tastes are also refined :face_with_monocle:

I’ll send you friend requests later, what’s your steam name?

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I can barely hit someone straight in front of me anymore. The bombs are so small now…

If they revert that change her might be back out of H tier

I think it’s Andoughhh? I’m not sure :joy: Someone took my username…

More thieves.
You can’t check though?

:[ I can’t check easily atm.

Pretty sure it’s Andoughhh.

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His ult was never an issue. On average, at the height of his PR, Riptire was 7th in place of offense ults scoring eliminations .

I mean…I’m not talking about what it actually did. It’s the fact that it was up every team fight that was the issue people complained about.

Revert his nade hitbox but nerf his ult charge by increasing it as compensation.

Done, Junkrat is balaced.