Junkrat's next in line for a nerf

He’s a tad too overpowered, especially in lower ranks. Defeating him is entirely too dependent on switching to a small handful of heroes currently, so I think something needs to change to make him less of a crutch.


One of the absolute stupidest characters in the game. Junkrat players are despicable buffoons. I will just pick on them as Sombra and make them absolutely miserable

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Right, well in average ranks he seems to be low/mid on the ladder, so I don’t think action has to be taken.


I don’t consider literally any ranged hitscan(Not named Bastion), Pharah, Echo, Hanzo, DVa, and a couple other heros to be a “small” handful. Because either isn’t.


Personally I just don’t like Junkrat so sure…. Nerf bat :slight_smile:

People hate dying to spam, and due the number of players, abilities and map design it’s more prevalent in this game than any other. Now take junkrat, a character designed explicitly to kill players with random spam. Add some annoying CC to the mix. And a trap which is boring to use and boring to counter (it might belong in a tactical shooter like r6s but who wants to be looking for a grey trap in a fast paced hero shooter) Just a horribly designed hero

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As a low ranked to average player myself, the game shouldn’t be balanced around those of us that don’t understand how to play properly. The same people promoting these buffs or nerfs are the same people that think it’s a good idea to defend at the payload or enemy spawn


Revert the changes he recently got and he’s fixed.