Junkrat PTR Change In A Nutshell

genji is not even there just goes to show how little you watch owl

ā€¦ Maybe read before you comment?

To be fair, I had a 20 kill streak on temple of anubis and all I did is sat in one place shooting at a wall, bouncing the nades into where I thought the enemy team would be going into the choke point. (Now, if I didnā€™t have a good team, Iā€™m sure they wouldā€™ve stopped me) but spamming IS definitely a thing.

I feel like itā€™s another case of ā€œpeople wanted this character to be nerfed so we just did it to stop them from complaining.ā€

Junkratā€™s spammy style of gameplay can be annoying, but I felt like he was in an okay place after the concussion mine nerf as a non-Junkrat player. Heā€™s not overly frustrating to fight since he canā€™t get a free kill with concussion mines, but he was still dangerous if you didnā€™t approach him correctly.

This just feels like nerfs for the sake of nerfs without much thought, especially since itā€™s just number tweaks and not any mechanic adjustments.


The only change junkrat needed was for his ultimate to charge slower.


Coulda rolled with that, on average only 4 kills per game are from a tire.

I woudnt compare Junkrat with Hanzo. Hanzo had another projectile speed buff. Junkrat nades are slow as a roadhog crawl.

I think the rip tire needs a decrease in damage it easily does 400+ damage

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I for one donā€™t think spam is a problem. I know itā€™s annoying, but different players find different things annoying. Iā€™d rather die from grenade spam than a skilled widow headshot because I generally have more control avoiding spam. Having 1 or 2 heroes that are good at spamming chokepoints or barriers is good for the game, it needs a role like that. Junkrat is a defense hero that is dangerous in close quarters and can lock down key choke points with grenade spam or tear down a Rein shield with his grenades. I donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong with that. I donā€™t think the size nerf was needed, just the ult one. They could even increase his ult charge required, I just think they need to get rid of that primary weapon change. He didnā€™t need much of a nerf. Donā€™t tell me heā€™s as good as tracer or winston. Heā€™s good on certain close quarters maps like control center on Lijiang Tower, like he should be.

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It often feels like Junkā€™s grenades explode by proximity, not by their actual model touching your character. And lemme tell yaā€™ thats bs right there.

  1. spam is less effective so how does it encourage it? The grenades are smaller and easier to avoid

  2. Yes it is more difficult to hit this is intended

  3. It is a nerf no compensation is needed if so what is the point of the nerf?

You just donā€™t like that he is nerfed no need to act like it makes no sense. With this nerf landing direct hits is more important than ever for junkrat. Get to practicing

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  • Promotes spam by discouraging direct hits, Its ALREADY Hard enough to tag a fast moving tracer at 10 meters witht he 2nd slowest projectile in the game.

  • It makes -ALL - hits harder, not just people who arent paying attention to their soroundings


Reducing the hitbox makes it even harder to score direct hits, especially in close range. This means itā€™s extremely risky to get close to enemies because you will have a harder time hitting your shots. And thus that leads to Junkrat players standing back in a safer space just spamming grenades because it is less risky.

That is how it promotes more spam.

He is f-tier again. This removes all skill from him. They just gave him old hanzoā€™s damage consistency problems at range pre the first arrow speed buff super slow small projectiles. That means he is no longer viable to be played at range. His only uses now are shield breaking bot and diving into peoples faces suicide machine.

And the tradeoff isnt worth it. Hanzo is TEARING through teams on PTR right now. The 2 characters with cards and 3 golds at the end of each match is both teams Hanzos

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