Junkrat mains, what do you think of the buff?


  • Frag Launcher: Impact damage increased from 40 to 60

Personally, I’d rather have a projectile speed increase, but a buff to direct hits is something, so i’ll take it.

Gonna try it out. I miss the old projectile size because I liked the feeling of my grenades actually hitting things. Im sure this will help junkrat get more kills, but will it make him reliable enough to compete finally?

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I guess this is a nerf for barriers, mostly? And really big targets.

I’m not a Junkrat player so I’m not sure what he needs, but I assume this is so he’s better against tanks. Or rather, so that tanks are weaker.

this is a really unhealthy change

  • shields go down faster
  • more damage
  • faster tires
  • nearly 1 shots with damage boost
  • 1 shots with nano

this doesnt look good


Maybe not something I’d like as a player. But something they’d want for the OWL?

this is probably best for owl but wont work well below sub 3000 sr

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i did like the projectile size

If this buff makes him a real tank buster it could make him very popular. Where the projectile size would have just made him a little better overall vs any hero. But I still need to put on pants and try him out to confirm.

I’ll share a post of Chro opinion on this first

But on my actual opinion, it’s good. It’s not the buff we wanted but it is a much needed buff to a hero that’s struggling right now.

Soldier, one of the weakest characters in the game gets 1 damage increase. “He is the only viable DPS.” One off-meta Junky boi gets a 20 damage increase. “I give it a… 3!”

I am just messing around because I am trying to use humor to diffuse the intense fear I have. Also, lul that it is not 150 because muh Tracer.

It’s a little worrisome, honestly. It is a buff that will have some impact, notably bringing most of his potential mine combo back, allowing him to two shot 250 Hp heroes and bring tankier ones down in one less shot, busting barriers a bit better, etc. All in all, it will make him better at doing things, and yet what makes it worrying is it won’t be enough, but it WILL paint a target on his head again.

The problem at the end of the day is, his mines are inconsistent, his projectiles are small enough to be inconsistent, he’s never been consistent at range outside of chokes simply because his projectile speed makes him that way, none of that really changes, with only his mines getting a little better since they now will only need to deal 60 damage(but if I recall they can do as little as 30, so it gives more leeway but they can still knock enemies to safety). This doesn’t change the issue of aiming at quicker or more distant targets, it doesn’t change the fact that mid ranged hitscans, long ranged snipers, and of course Pharah will all ruin him. It doesn’t change the fact that quick moving targets like Tracer and Genji will walk all over him most of the time either. And while it does mean his matchup against shotgun characters will be better due to taking one less hit, he’s still probably going to lose duels with Reaper due to his large head and the lifesteal giving enough buffer to keep it at three hits to bring him down in an actual fight.

I guess what I’m getting at is, it’s still going to be a chore to aim at targets with such a poor weapon, and the targets where it makes the most difference, like tanks, you weren’t missing in the first place. So this makes his strengths better, but doesn’t touch his weaknesses, and with how he is as a character, I think it’s his weaknesses that stop him form being viable. Being countered by pretty much the entire dps cast is a questionable place to be in, it might make him effective against tank reliant comps, but if this meta shift is successful there shouldn’t be tank comps very often anyway, so his usefulness may not even go up.