Junkrat is a throw pick in high ranks and broken in low ranks

if they correctly balanced junkrat this could have been avoided, just saying


What is your proposition for a correctly balanced Junkrat?

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It’s so funny, I debated this very point not long ago agreeing with you, that at least at low levels, he’s a bit OP because all he does is spam often. Of course, the cop-out answer of “herp derp just git gud” was thrown out, because he’s weak high up. What I find funny is one of the commentators on one of the popular OW streams even said he gets a lot of kills “by accident”.


Nerf his hp to 150 to replace the removal of self harm. Revert the nades and the mine splash radius. Double traps. Planted mines can’t be destroyed.

Commentators are commentators, they say whatever that builds hype.

Honestly, I won’t even say he’s broken since a lot of the stuff Junkrat toolkit has can be beaten even without his counters.

But my point and opinion is the same, give him consistent mine at reduced damage of 80/90 and he’ll be golden. Viable enough at higher ranks but still the same at lower ranks.

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Hes kinda crap down here too aside from his ult

They say whatever they observe with the games and in pro play, it was an off-hand comment, not focused on JR specifically btw, and it wasn’t unsympathetic either but it’s true, his kit allows for a lot of kills at lower tiers effectively “by accident”.

He’s powerful in low ranks not due to his kit but due to players in the lower ranks being poor at watching their position and surroundings. It’s like saying D.va ult is OP in low ranks because the people at that level don’t know to run behind a wall to avoid it.


but…the inverse is impossible

Junkrat will foever remain a joke. I don’t even think the Overwatch team ever took him seriously as a hero.

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If the devs cared, this could’ve been solved.


Too busy rebalancing other heroes I guess.

Making him 150 HP would make him F-Tier. Unless the devs would plan on giving him Tracer blinks and a recall ability.

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Too busy working on way to lock things behind OWL S2 paywall.

Gotta hustle :champagne:

Trap or mine anything that gets close. Use the arch for his stuff to religiously avoid line of sight.

Gotta keep their game alive, not doing a great job though.

Well most of Junkrat’s counters are things that don’t need to get close.

Pharah always flies, Hanzo and Widow are snipers…

This the same company that thought announcing a moblie game to thier PC base was gonna be a grand slam. :clown_face: