Junkrat as The Monster's Bride

I’m gonna guess that there’s a way to avoid it with invisible characters

or the space bar

Based off the icons, it’s probably Sombra (some people think Zarya? I dunno I can’t see it based off the profile)
I don’t think Blizz would stoop to the “ha ha man in a dress how funny” trope
Mostly because it might cause backlash in other countries or wherever censorship takes it to new extremes

also yeah, no kidding about the ship war stuff, I’ve NEVER dealt with a fandom before where I was told to kill myself over a ship, I legitimately stopped tagging Junkrat in my art and turned off anonymous messages because it was getting to be too much

More so the invisible characters…

Think the main deal with it is in Russia and recently Romania if I’m right?

And Zarya would be interesting; not sure how it’d be done though, so the chances are that the likes of Sombra will get it, due to her original outfit being sort of skirty. Then again I haven’t really delved into the history of the Monster’s Bride, so we have yet to see.

Honestly the funniest thing to me is that Zarya could deadlift/benchpress (i forget what her record is in) Roadhog

Her max is like 512 Kg and he’s like 283 Kg or so

Doesn’t make sense since Junkrat is Dr Junkenstein that created the monster. It would mean he creates himself. :thinking:

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i mean he could just dress up like a bride? the story doesn’t need to be exactly like the original. last time i checked the original frankenstein doesn’t have a witch in it either.

Turns out that Reaper’s Pumpkin is also a Dracula.

I just had a thought of Junk coming out of the top castle bit as the Bride with a different voiceline…

Oh how I will laugh if this turns out to be true.

the original frankenstein didn’t have a witch either right? also like you can make adaptions while changing alot of stuff. i mean if you compare the movie bride of frankenstein to the book, in the book the bride never comes to life. so like they can make some changes.

Yall can dream of shipping Roadhog and Junkrat together, its fine, whatever… but in no way shape or form are they a thing.

Also, its called, adding more voiceline interactions. Remember like right before the second anniversary, they added a metric ton of interactions between the heroes. My favorite one they added that time is between Zenyatta and Symmetra. lol

A Sombra and Roadhog interaction for the event is not impossible.

Hell, remember they added Mercy interactions with Hanzo, Ana, McCree, and Soldier… but only during the event, where she is the Witch.

Well, I remember the surprise when Tracer turned out to be lesbian (quite a few people expected Zarya for example), and we still don’t know too much about Hog and Junk, so… who knows?
We have been surprised before.

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Book Frankenstein messed me up, i didn’t think the monster would legit murder the doctor’s wife on their wedding night but, womp, he did

I love how a s–tpost turned into a 30+ reply debate.

like people complain so much about gayness “coming out of nowhere” its possible there added so much hinting so that it won’t be shocking if they ever confirmed then being in a relationship. like tracer has 0 hinting for her comfirmation so… anythings possible

Here, I’m still out of likes (lol like limit) so take a this :heart:

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I wish.

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Well, people tend to stereotype but eh… whatever. When I saw that she was Russian, I was like, OH that makes a lot of sense… Zarya is the Russian stereotype. lol. Still love her tho.

I mean she is Mother Russia

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She was my main for 8 seasons. xD
Not quite fitting every Russian stereotype; haven’t seen her in the tracksuit with a Smirnoff yet, but here’s hoping.
I think the reason they went for Tracer is because Zarya is indeed Russian, there’d be some heavy debate about that over in the East…

…Do…Russian people wear a lot of tracksuits?